416 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD The CHURCH at R OME, in ITALY. A, r AN Y of the fathers have with good .LV reafon, equally attributed the foun< dation of this celebrated church to Peter and Paul, the one as the apoflle of the circumcifion preached to the Jews, while the other, probably as the apoffle of the uncircumcifion preached to the Gentiles. The following is the order in which it's bifhops fucceeded. I. St. Peter and St. Paul, who both fuf- fered martyrdom under Nero, the Roman emperor. II. Linus, the fon of Herculanus, a Tufcan ; he is mentioned by St. Paul : he fat between eleven and twelve years. III. Cletus, or Anacletus, or Anancletus, a Roman, the fon of "Emilianus :. he fat nine, though others fay but two years. IV. Clemens, a-Roman, born in mount Cælius, was the fon ofFauflinus, near akin, fay fore, to the emperor: he was con- demned- to dig in the marble quarries near the Euxine fea, and, by the command of Trajan, with an anchor about his neck thrown into the fea. He was bifhop of Rome nine years and four months. V. Euariflus, by birth a Greek; but his father was a Jew of Bethlehem: he is faid to have been crowned withmartyrdom the lab year of Trajan, in the ninth of his bi- Ihopric, or the thirteenth, according to others. VI. Alexander, a Roman, though young in years, was grave in his manners and converfation: he fat ten years and feven months, and died a martyr. VII. Xyffus, or Sixtus, aaRoman : he was martyred in the tenth year of his bi- Ihopric, and buried in the Vatican at Rome. VIII. Telefphorus, a Greek, fucceeded ; Junin the martyr flourifhed in his time. He died a martyr, having fat eleven years and three months ; ten years and eight months, according to others ; and lies buried near St. Peter, in the Vatican. 2 IX. Hyginus, the fon of an Athenian philofopher, was advanced to the chair under Antoninus Pius : he fat four years ; Eufebius fays eight. X. Pius, an Italian, was born at Aqui- leia : he died, having been bifhop eleven years and four months ; according to Eu febius, fifteen years. XI. Anicetus, born in Syria : he is Paid, after nine, or, as others, eleven years, to have fuffered martyrdom, and was buried in the Via Appia, in the cemetery of Cal- liffus. In his time Polycarp carne to Rome. XII. Soter, or, as Nicephorus calls him, Soterichus, was a Campanian, the fon of Concordius. There was an intercourfe of letters between him and Dionyfius bifhop of Corinth. He died after hé had fat nine, or, as Eufebius reckons, feven years. XIII. Eleutherius, born at Nicopolis in Greece. To him Lucius king of Britain fent a letter and an embaffy. He fat fifteen years, died A. D. one hundred and eighty- fix, and lies buried in the Vatican at Rome. XIV. Vibfor, an African, the fon of Fe- lix, was a man ofa furious and in temper- ate fpirit. He was bilhop ten years. XV. Zephyrinus, a Roman, fucceeded, and poffefled the chair eight, or, as others, eighteen years ; twenty, lays Onuphrius a pious sind learned man, but a little warp- ing towards the errors of Montanus. XVI. Calliffus, or Calixtus, the fon of Domitius, a Roman; a prudent and nao- deff man: he fuffered much in the perfe- cution under Alexander Severus, under whom he became a martyr, being thrown into a well by the procurement of Ulpian the great lawyer, but a fevere enemy to Chriffians. IIe fat fix years, or, as others maintain, five and one month; and though he made a cemetery, or burial place,' called after Isis own name, yet was he buried in that of Calepodius, in the Appian Way. XVII. Urbanus