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and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APOSTLES, &. miracles which he wrought ; but not being able to bear the afperfions which fome un- juflly caít upon him (though God fignally and miraculoufly vindicated his innocency) he left his church, and retired into defarts and folitary places. In his abfence was chofen . XXXII. Dius, who fat eight years. After him XXXIII. Germanio, four. XXXIV. Gordius, five. In his time Nar- ciffus, as one from the dead, returned from his place of retirement, and was impor- tuned by the people again to take the go- vernment of the church upon him ; being highly reverenced by them, both for his ftriét and philofophical courfe of life, and the fignal vengeance which God took of his accufers : and in this fecond admini- oration he continued ten years, fuffering martyrdomwhen he was near an hundred 459 and twenty years old. To relieve the in- firmities of his great age, they took in to be his colleague XXXV. Alexander, formerÍy bifhop in Cappadocia he was an eminent confeffor, and after having fat fifteen years, died in prifon under the Decian perfecution. XXXVI. Mazabanes, nine years, XXXVII. Hymena:us, twenty- three. XXXVIII. Zabdas, ten. XXXIX. Hermon, nine. He was, as Eufebius tells us, the lart bifhop of his fee before that fatal perfecution that raged even in his time. XL. Macarius, ordained A. D. three hundred and fifteen : he was prefent in the great Nicene council. He fat, fays Nicephorus of Confiantinople, twenty years ; but St. Jerom allows him to have continued a much longer time in the go- vernment of the church. The CHURCH at CONSTANT I N O P L E, ancientIy called BYZANTIUM. IT cannot be doubted that this church was firft founded by St. Andrew. The fuccelfion of it's bithops was as follows : I. St. Andrew the apofile. He was cru- cified at Patræ in Achaia. II. Stachys, whom St. Paul calls his be- loved Stachys, ordained bifhop by St. An- drew : he fat fixteenyears. III. Onefimus, fourteen. IV. Polycarpus, feventeen. V, Plutarchus, fixteen. VI. Sedecio, nine. VII. Diogenes, fifteen. Of the latt three no mention is made in Nicephorus of Con- oantinople, but they are delivered by Nice- phorus Callious, lib. viii. c. 6. p.540. VIII. Eleutheris, feven. IX. Felix, five. X. Polycarpus, feventeen. XL Athenodorus, four. He ereéted a church called Elea, afterwards much beau- tifiedand enlarged by Conflantine theGreat. XII, Euzoius, fixteen. Though Nice- phorus Calliffus allows but fix. XIII. Laurentius, eleven years and fixe months. XIV. Alypius, thirteen. XV. Pertinax, a manofconfulardignity: he built another church near the fea-fide, which he called Peace. He fat nineteen years, which Nicephorus Callious reduces to nine. XVI. Olympianus, eleven. XVII. Marcus, thirteen. XVIII. Cyriacus, or Cyrillianus, fixteen. XIX. Conoantinus, feven. In the firi year ofhis bithopric, he built a church in the north part of the city, which he dedi- cated to the honour of Euphemia the mar- tyr, who had fuffered in that place. In this oratory he fpent the remainder of his life, quitting his epifcopal chair to XX. Titus, who fat thirty-five years and fix months; though Nicephorus Calliítus makes it thirty-feven years. After him came XXI, Dometiu$,