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420 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED LORD XXI. Dometius, brother (as they tell us) to the emperor Probus. He was bifhop twenty-one years and fix months. XXII. Probus fucceeded his father Do- metius, andfat twelve years ; as after him, XXIII. Metrophanes his brother, who governed that church ten years. And in his time it was that Conftantine tranflated the imperial court hither, enlarged and adorned it, called it after his own name, and made it the feat of the empire. XXIV. Alexander fucceeded; he was a man of great piety and integrity, zealous and confiant inmaintaining the truth againft the blafphemies of Arius. He fat twenty - three years. The CHURCH at ALEXANDRIA, in EGYPT. ECCLESIASTICAL writers affirm, that the foundations of this church were laid, and a great part of it's fuper- ftruaure raifed, by.St. Mark ; who, though not firiflly and properly an apoflle, yet being an apolile at large, and immediately commiffionated by St. Peter, it juftly ob- tained the honour ofan apollolical church. It's bithops and governors are thusfet down. I. St. Mark-theevangelifi, ofwhole tra- vels and martyrdom we have fpoken in his life. He fat two years. II. Anianus, charaflerized by Eufebius,, p0 A man beloved of God, and admirable rn all things." He fat twenty -two years. IfI. Avilius, twelve; or, as Eufebius, thirteen. IV. Cerdo, who fucceeded about the firft year of Trajan. He fat ten years; according to Eufebius, eleven. V. Primus, twelve. VL Joins, orJuftinus, ten. VII. Eumenes, ten ; or, as Eufebius, thirteen : St. Jerom, in his tranilation, calls him Hymenæus. VIII. Marcus, or Marcianus, thirteen ; or, as Eufebius, ten. XI.- Celadiön, ten; "but, in Ettfebius's computation, fourteen. X. Agrippinus; fourteen; accordingto EufeMns, twelve: XI. Julienus,'fifteen; though Eufebius allows but ten. XII. Demetrius, twenty-one according to Eufebius forty- three years. XIII. Hernias, a man of a pbilofophi- cal genius and way of life. He fat fixteen years ; thbttgbi Nicephorus of Confianti- nople, by a miftake, we fuppofe, for his . predeceffor, makes it forty-three. XIV. Dionyfíus, feventeen. He was one of the mofi, eminent bifhops of his timé. He died in the twelfth year of the emperor Gallienus. XV. Maximus. Of a prefbyter he was made bifhop of Alexandria. He fat in that chair eighteen years, according to Eufe- bius's computation; though Nicephorusof Conftantinople affigns him but eight. XVÍ. Theonas, feventeen ; or, accord- ing to St. Jerom's verfion of Eufebius, nineteen. To him fucceeded XVII. Petrus, twelve. He began his office three years before the laic perfecu- tion. A man of infinite ftrietnefs and accuracy, andof indefatigable induflry for the good of the church. He fuffered in the ninth year of the perfecution, gaining the crown of martyrdom with the lot's of his head. XVIII. Achillas, nine ; though Nice- phorus of Conflantinople allows him but one year. By him Arius, upon his fub- mifliion, was ordained prefbyter. XIX. Alexander, twenty-three. Under him Arius began more openly to broach his herefy at Alexandria, who was there- upon juftly excommunicated and thrufl out by Alexander, and fhortly after condemned by the fathers of the council of Nice. Ne verthelefs, his abominable tenets, have in- feéted the church, more or lets, to the 1prefent day, and are openly avowed by the enemies ofthe gofpel ofJFsus, who is God over all, blekfed for ever, Amen. The EVIDENCESS 3