Wright - BT300 W8 1788

L I S T o n S U B S C R I B E R S . #Ir. Luckhurft, Barhanf C. Fr. Loudonfack, Bow -lane Lefwaft W. Lumly, Bell-yd.Temple-bar Levack, James-ftreet Peter Lacon, Mortimer-Ireet Robert Loggett, Erg; Deptford Thomas Locke, Elq; Devizes, Wilts Mr. George Lanfdale, Dinkley John Larpont, Efy; Upper Grofv:ftr. Mr. T. Lindley, Bloomlbury Lortea, Lombard-ftreet 1'. Lovell, Manchefter James Labelliere, New ftreet M. Mrs: Elizabeth Maclean, Hertford-ft. Mr. J. Morgan, jun. Shorts-gardens --- William Maley, Vere ftreet William Mabb, Hull Thomas Matthew Timothy Marriott, Whitechapel -- T. Mitchel, Southwark Mrs. Jane Moore, Gloucefter Mary Meacult, Gloucefter Mr. Morrifon, Wapping T. Marrington, Labour-in-vain.. hill Matthew Munkman II. Moore, Rofe & CrownCt. Mrs. Ann Millot, St. Martin's-lane Mr. John Mace, Rotherhithe --- T. Matthews, Staines, Middlef. Merrifon, Whitechapel Thomas Mounds, Plymouth Charles Mamo, Newman-ftreet Middleton, Clapham IAN. Mackie, Chelmsford .Mr. Mitchel,Southampton Buildings Merrick, Black-friars W. Magnus, St. Olives, Southw. Maggo, Quickfet-row, Totten- ham-court-road Mrs. Mountney, Woolwich Mifs Mountney, Woolwich Mr. Morgan, Woolwich Alex. Matthews, Whitechapel William Moore, Sunderland Richard Mummery, Margate -- Herman Meyer, Canaan-ftreet Grantham Mead, Three Her ring-court Meakins, Upper-moorfields -- HenryMerrick, Iflington Marlhall, Watling-greet Matthew Jofeph Mills, Salifbury G. Henry Mortimer, New-inn Rev. Edward Moore, Birmingham Mrs. CarolinaMoore, Iílington Mr. Robert Maxwell, Quaker - ftreet W. Mullers, Bartict- buildings George Henry Millar, Erg; Author ofthe New and Univerfal SA'tem of Geography Rev. Erafmus Middleton, Author of the New DiElionarÿ of Arts and Sil- ences Mr. john Hamilton Moor, Minories, Author of, the New Collection of Voyages and Travels Mr. Mafon, Dock-head, Editor of the New Edition of the Pilgrim's Progrefs and Holy bHor, with notes William Henry Melmoth, Efq; Author of the New Roman Hylory, &c. Mr. Jofeph Nefbut, Iflington Newton, Riders-court Ifaac Norden, Lambeth-ma/1h Thomas Newman "Nevin -- Peter Newney, Putney Mrs. Norris, Southampton - buildings Mr. John Noad, jun. Fore-greet John Nichols John Nalh, Margate Mrs. Need, Bath Mr. Peter Nicol Robert Nainby, Yarmouth John Napper, Mile-end John Norton, Norton-falgate Edward Neale, Kent-road Duncan Norris, Quaker-ftreet -- Necol, Little Queen-greet Mr. James Òrknie -- Rowland Ore, Spitalfields -- William Ord, Rotherhithe John Oberg, Princes-fguare P. Mrs. Mary Pye, Fareham Mr. E. Parry, Shrewsbury Patman, Old North-greet Pinkum Perry William Purches, Tower Pritchard, Derby Thomas Pòynter, Fulham Edward Priddle, St. Sepulchre's Mrs. Pocock, Beckenham Mr. John Prefton, Stoney-ftreet -- Abraham Peek, Queen-ftreet J. Plunket, St. John's, Wefim. Pownall, Knightsbridge Mrs. Palmer, Peckham Mr. John Proffer, High Holboru Lady Prime, Chelfea Mr. .Edward Pinchback, Chetham John Plaiftow, Chefham Thomas Prefton Walter Price, Phenix- Street , Richard Pankhurft, Woolwich Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips Mr. Porter, Rofamond-row James Powell, Vauxhall Prior. Bath Mrs. Phillips, Becklinton Mr. William Pell, Cable-greet John Pinkcombe Benjamin Pool Prolaor, Wilmot's-row Thomas Parfet Mifs Pigott, Whitchurch, Salop Peterlen, Frefhing-field John Prarfe, Bride-lane-court Robert Pitt, Marfhall-ftreet Digory Pearfe, Pemvarden Mr. Pink, Báfingftoke William Parry Richard Plumbly, Hoxton --+ Alexander Pearlon, Hornfey -- ,John Potter, Bunhill-row Pollard, St. Thomas's- ftreet Lady Parker, Portland-place Mr. Porney, Editor of the New Col: lettion ofNovels and Romances, from the French, completed in only ten Numbers. Q. Mr. Jonas Quinton, Highgate James Quality, Edinburgh Mr. Ratley, Mile-end-road Mrs. Rimington, Carleton Mr. T. Robinlon, Litchfield Richard/on, Wincomblee T. Rapley, Strand J. Ravenfcroft, Tottenham -ftr. William Railing, Richmond Rawfon, DuffieldToll-bar --- William Roberts Randall, Rotherhithe Reynolds, Weltminfter William Ruffel, John-ftreet John Ramfhaw Daniel Reynolds Ropu. Kirby-greet Thomas Rudkin' Wm. Rltodenhurft, Worfhip-ft; Mrs. Mary Rofamond Mr. Reeves, Tottenham court-road. Shadrach Rutt, Woolwich James Radweg, Woolwich Reyholds Robert Roberts, Dolgelby Mrs. Rofs, Bath Mr. Miles, Rainforth William Round, Old Brentford Richards, Reading --, Redfurn, Gravel-lane -- Rufker, Banbury, Oxon Rufher, Banbury Francis Ruffel, Deptford Roberts Wm. Rimmington, Hay - market Rollinfon, Bank-fide Richard Robinfen, Newcaltle S. Mrs. Smith Mr. Sadler, Piccadilly Scragg, Rtigley T. Swain, Little- Britain Louis Shultz, Wardour-ftreet T. Smith Sarum, Queen -greet -- Abraham Smith. Salifbury M. Smith, King-ftreet Sledge, Covent- garden -- R. R. Sanders, Bromley, Kent Peter Spence, Little -shire-lane Mrs. Sarah Sanders, Bromley Mr. Jofeph Scot, Nottingham PatrickShields, New- greet ThomasStidolph, Epfom, Surry T. Serwener, Vauxhall Richard Sanders, Weftminfter Capt. Sellers, Rotherhithe