L I S T o F S T J B S C R I R E R S. Mr. Smith, Cambridge Spratley, Maidenhead James Sabine, Swallow.lreet -- Thomas Sharman, Rotherhithe Slade, Kennington Mrs. Ann Spicer, Ruffel-ftreet Mr. Jofeph Silver john Sayer, Warwick-lane Spurling, Park-lane Mrs. Street, Knightibridge Mr. Henry Sluce, Bacon-ftreet James Salmòn, Upminfter John Seymour Henry Sutton, Garlick-hill -- Richard Starkey, Garlick-hill Sterritt, Black friars Mrs. Stewart, Royal- artillery Mr. Smith, Riders-court -- Richard Sutton, Wellminiter Súgg, Bath Stanett Thomas South Richard Shaw, Weft-Smithfield --- Thomas Stott Robert Stevens, Gofwell-ftreet -- Schofield, Bethnal -green -- Strange, Bilhopfgate without Mrs. Ann Sanders, Bromley -- Margaret Stanton, Butler's-alley Mr. Robert Stainby, Yarmòuth H. Summers, jun. Haverhill Robert Sutton, Walcot Shutter, Bermondfcy The Rev. William Sampfon, Reydon Mrs. Spence Mr. James Suddones, Cheapfrde John Stork Rev. Mr. Sutton, Doncafter, Yorkfh. Rev. Mr. Spencer, Hereford Mr. %John Scott $piers, Bartholomew-clofe John Slade, Kennington -green Steadman Shapland, Cheapfide William Sanders, Rotherhithe Mrs. Lwtitia Stephens. Briltol Mr. William Smith, Cork A. B. Seyton, Cambridge Mrs. Terefa Symmons, Liverpool T. Mr. Tipton, jun. Shrewfbury Mr. Thomas Timmons, London Thacker, King ftreet , John Tod, Whitechapel-road John Turner, St. Thomas's-ftr. John -Taylor, johnfon s-court Samuel Drake, Greenwich Turner, Cambridge JohnToyzer,Wallingford,Berks Tomlin, Ringfelearo, Herts '--- Robert Taylor, St. Alban's-ftr. William Thornhill, Gravel-lane -- T. Trenham, Newington-butts . James Thompfon, Fetter-lane Mrs. Elizabeth Tucker, Woolwich - -Ann Thornton, Enfield Mr. Taylor, Catearon-ftreet Mrs. Taylor, Bath Mr. jerkin Thomas, St. Saviour's -- ThomasWilliamThurfton - Wm.Threader,St. Paul's, Shad. -- Thauley, Cattle-ftreet -- AndrewTurnbull,Crooked-lane Nath. Taylor, Kingfland-road Jonathan Turping, Borough Todd, Mile-end Rev. J. Thornton, St. Edmunds-Bu. Mr. Thomas, Shad-Thames Thomas Toder, Newark Mr; Ungar John Upton, Plymouth Mr. Vaughan, Piccadilly W. Vanhoufe, jun. Little E. Ch. --- Benjamin Virtfon, Thames-ftr, Mrs._ -Sarah Valentine, Lewifham Mr. John Veffer, Horflydown - Jofeph Vials, Oxford -market Mrs. Verbouggen, Bethnal-green Mr. John Vohins Richard Valentine, Lewifham Rev, Samuel Virgins, Hammerfmith W. Mr. Welch, Epping Thomas Wilfon, Chick-lane Thomas Winkworth,Paradife -ft. ¡abri Watts, Staverton-mill - Ward, Putney Wager, Strand Mr. M. Wooden,Bilhopfgate-ftreet Mrs. Martha Welch, Stanftead- Mountfitchet Mifs Wakeman, Maiden lane Mr. John Watts, St John's-lane -- Wlightman, Derby E. Wells, Winfter, Derbyfhire -- Wallis, Plymouth -- Winter, Vauxhall -- Jar Weldon, Great Saffron-hill John Wheatly, Avemaria-lane -- John Wilday, Long-acre -- Edward Wilkie Wright, Whitechapel-road - Ar. Windus, Bilhopfgate-ftreet -- Wenable, Hammerfmith -- Whitworth, Newington-butts Allen Wadlow Mrs. Eliz. Wrigley; Lincoln Mr. William Withey, Leather-lane -- T. Weatherley, St. Catharine's -- W. Wargent, Bucklerfbury G. Wigg, St. Thomas's, Southw. Lady Wilfon, Charlton Mrs. Eliz. Whet, Chelfea -- Ann Wilfon, Charterhoufe -ftr, Mr. Walker, George-fir. Bethn,gr. Walker, Lawrence-Lane -- Jofeph Warner, Rood-lane -- Anthony Willan, Hoxton . James Watkinfon, Red- crofs-ft. William Waddelow - John Willis, Cranbourn -lodge -- Thomas Wivinhoe Rev. Jofeph Worthington, Romford, Author of the New Univerfal Family Prayer-Book. Mr: Thomas Wright, Charing-crofs -- John Wilkinfon, Rotherbithe R. Wenman, Chiflehurft, Kent -- Henry Whittaker, Pimlico X. Thomas Xemenies, Efq; Sydenham Y. Mr. Thomas Young, Rotherhithe -- Yale's, Park-lane - - Lake Young, Watling-ftreet Mrs. Yarborough, Camps-mount Mifs Leonora De Yough, Broad-ft. Mr. Young, Borough N. B. The Publilherofthis Work returns hismoll unfeigned Acknowledgments to the numerous Subferibersfor their great En- uragemeny and humbly folicits a Cominuanceof their Favours with refpo& to force of his other new Publications, affuring them, that nothing Ihali be wanting to render all the Periodical Works in which he (hall he engaged, deferving the Public Patronage: Notwithftanding printed Notices for the Purpofe given five Weeks ago, togetherwith Eight Days Delayof the Publi. cation, and other neceffary flops taken for colleaing the Whole, we have not been able to procure the Namesofnear Half ofour obliging Subferibers. Thofewhofe Names are not in the Lift, will therefore of Cowls excufe the Omitfion; and fuck as find any Error in Spelling, will pleafe to obferve, that the Favlt is not chargeable on the Publilher, ashe has literally tranfcribed the Names and Places ofAbode, fromthe Notes as delivered in by the various Bookfellers, Stationers, Newfmen, &c. &c. 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