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68 The NEW and COMPLETE LIFE of our BLESSED C H A P T E R XIII. ,7CA13.1k3",0 CHRIST is entreated by ,7arises to go and heal his Daughter; and by the Way he healeth a Woman of an inveterate /ae of Blood : He rails JaMus's Daughter from the Dead Gives Sight to two blind Men: Cures a dumb Man poledwith a Devil: And, returning to Galilee, choofes his twelveApoftles out of his Difci files, and fendeth theta out with power to work Miracles : Afterwards, repairing toCapernaum, he cures the Centurion's Servant. WHILE the bleffed Jrsus was dif puting with the Scribes and Pha- rifees in the houfe of Matthew," whom he had lately called into the number of his difciples, an atiliRed father; in all the agonies of diflrefs, haffily'preffed into his prefence. This was Jarius, the ruler ofthe Jewifh fynagogue in Capernaum, and thé taule of his prefent afflue} ion was the dan- gerous illnefs of Isis daughter, who lay at the point of death. Having earneflly implored the alfiítance of our great Redeemer in this diflreflìng cafe, the Lord of life gracioufly conde- fcended to comply with his requeft, and accordingly accompanied the diftrefled father to his houfe; and great multitudes of people, who were délirons of beholding the miracles of Chrifl, crowded around and preffed tobehold what the divine InflruEtor would dopn this great occafion. But as they paffed through the fireets of the city, the attention of the furrounding multitudes were turned to a woman, who came behind the fon of God, and touched the hem of his garment. This woman had been afflicted twelve years with a terrible diforder, which had baffled the force of medicine : the had 'filent her whole fub- fiance on phyficians, but could obtain no relief; but hearing of the miracles per- formed by the blefled Jesus, fhe was fo fully convinced of his divine power, that the concluded if the could but touch his clothes the fhould be made whole. Nor was the deceived, for the no fooner touched the border of the garment of our great Re- deemer than her iffue of blood dried up ; and the felt fuch a flow ofvital fpirits, and uncommon gladnefs warm her heart, that the was fully convinced that the had re- ceived a cure. The bleffed Jrsus, who knew the hearts ofall men, was not ignorant of theminuteft -circumflance attending this affair; he knew the woman's thoughts, and was pleafed with her faith ; and, with defign to begin a converfation in which he might teflify his approbation, he turned about and atked who touched him ? His difciples, as they were not apprifed of the tranfaEtion, wondered at theirMafler's queflion. Thou feg1, faid they, the multitude thronging and preng thee, and fayeft thou, who touchedme. Jr: s, however, perfitfed in the inquiry, and the woman, perceiving the could not be concealed, came to him trembling, and told him what the had done. She approached .1tirn with heftation and diffidence, fearing he would be offended at the liberty the had taken; but the divine Phyfician received her with condefcending goodnefs, fpake to her in the kindeft man- ner, and commended her faith ; Daughter, faid he, be of good comfort, thy faith halt made thee whole. In