Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

.3ackfIiders. fcience fiat of fpeaking, and then of performing; men were fhie of promi- fing, but if they promiled, they were fo honeft as to keep their words, though they loft by ir, though it were to their hurt, though it were to their prejudice ; if it be not .fo now, thou art fallen;o remember then (I may lay) thy firfi words in this fenfe, and let thy words and thy expreffions be genuine and natural, the very breathings of thy heart ; do not complement with God or inzn. & t then in the fifth place , (for I will di (,patch aif l' can.) V. Believers,or Chriflians,or Saints (call them what you will) at their fire coming ió,they have a very high and honourable eff eem ofthem that bring them in;thcir hearts are knit to them, Who knit their hearts to God; they are almofl'inarried rothem, that mar- ried them to Chrift they lovethem fo dearly, for cordially. wil thew you but one inífance to (peak