Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
A Warning to fpeak for all the refl. In Galati- ans. 4. It pleated God to make ufe of Paul to convert the Galatians, to bring them home to jefus Chrifl; now faith he in the fifteenth Verle, When my temptation was in my flefl), you defpifednot,nor rejetled,but received me as an Angel of God , yea , as Chri fi jefus: If Chri(l himfelf had come in perfon , you could not have given hire more honourable entertainment, and a morecordial welcome then you gave m e. But now (faith he) Where is then the bleffedneje you fpake of before? for 'bear you record, that if it had been po sible you would have plucked outyour own ejes to have given them to me Surely they were dear indeed, that were dearer then ones own eyes ;and yet (rn:irke but the next Verre,)Am become your enor y,becau fe I tell you the truth? They that once, at fir f would have pulled out their eyes for Paul, would at laft have pulled out Pauls eye:,and were they not fallen think yore. Time.. EmEnimiwu
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