Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
The EpJle pleafed (I think I may without offence fay) God and you, to call it to remem- brance, Tome moneths after it was preacht I could not but obey your order , in giv- ing you that which you called for, viZe. the Sermon, and not another thing. For indeed, having obferved fome books fronti fjic'd with a Sermon P'eacht at P A LI L S which (as 'tas f aid of Sir Francis Drake's Ship) had nothin left (not? plank nor rib) but the very game thereof; I durfi not (and I hope none will think it a too nice and a needlefre fcruple of confcience, that I ray) I drtirfl not g i e. you that to read which you did not Bare. You have the fame things and words, with no more variation then; nor. inded f much as, the necef jary very ne.cefiary difference', that is to be put between `en and tongue,required. I it be eflimated by the feafonablene e it will (as. it Teems you judge ) be eautifull ; and I hope that it will not be the lee' acceptable, nor the 'more cceflef , for'being° plains: for' I pro» (to i N\
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