Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
Dedicatory. (to prevent all exceptions to be made againft it on that account) that it bath more of heart, then c.aíirt and of af- fec`tion, then of ettation. The time would not give me leave to ufher it in with any Preface, nor to clofe it with any arato- rortis infinuations ; nor is it (I think) fit to do it now , on the grounds fore - mentioned. Homely, yet I hope wholfome, as it is, let it go and the blef ang of Godgo along with it. The idle man appears in it= th9 more God may appease by it. If it may bring Jomeglory to his Name, by engaging any to remember either froM whence they /hould not f áll, and fo to (land fail; or any to remember from whence they have fallen and (o to re- turne, I Jhall be glad, though my Name filer by it, as I believe in f once mens efleemes it will. But not to trouble you a- ny longer with filch things, nor to enlarge this Porch beyond the proportion allow able; I¡hall inftead of fjeaking to you(peak- to God f oryoil. A 3
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