Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654

A Darning to with God; and if the decline his way, and go out cf his pathes, we (hall never be at cafe till we returne again. It will never be fo well as it was at firff , till we come to our firíl Huf: band; It was better then, then now. A nother experience as evidential as the former,you have from the Prodi- gal, Luk. ï 5 .who,faich the texr,When he came to himfelf, (Marke that , :hen he came to himfelf, the man was not himfelf before; fin befots men, it darkens and dulls their underfland- ings, that a man is not a man, but is betide himfelf) But when he came to bims felf, he quickjy went from himfelf unto his father; when he called to minde what he once had in his fathers houfe, when he remembred his for- mer (late, and compar'd his paff with his prefent condition,now,faith he , ¡will aril a and go to my father; when he remembered from whence he was fallen, he repented, &c. third,and no lefts famous an expe- rience lownliMMEI 7.741"_%