Venning - BX5133 .V44 W3 1654
., Warning to were limned overt The lived the word of life in the works o f their liver. But now Saints (1 fay) are grown invifiblc, and are they not fallen? Truly, there are fcarce any outward words or works almoll to be found,by which one can difcerne a Saint horn à finner in our age; It was otherwife once, but we are fallen.They will tell yori,C, ' v IT: :r Tweet enjoyments they have within! may well be within,for none can fee it with- ours Chri{t tells us, By their traits (Ñ ith he) ,coi f/Jail & them; And, Hereby, ,halt all men know that ye are. my Z)z j files, fye keep , commandments. O we can talk Qf raviíhrnents thin,and O what a place of Scripture was fet home upon my heart at fuch a time! and 0 how God ravifhed me upon fuch a day! O but can ointment be hid ?can a man cone Seale coales in his bofomer where is this humility and holineffe that flhoL ld arife from this communion with God ? where is the righteoufnes,the juflice,the upright dealing;amongfl amen that was wont
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