Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

'Yt6 Self-tryal is, .A DifcuJ!ion •fanu<ns lifo, that his Thoughts, Words and Deeds may -bt Jeen, and cenfured accorJmg to the Rule ofGods Ljf,w. 2 • ·or the latter fort (or of.Awdemals) are thefe two; . ) The one going before ( S l'f 1 VI:<-, ? The other following after I ' -trya · I . That which goes before, is a purpofe to better a m~ns Spiritual l!atc, \ CorrcC/:ing amif!e by ·- Confirming wh~t is right. . 2 , That which followcs after 1t, IS a prathf~ of fuch Rules as may back our Tryal, and make it.more effectual to us: I lhall menuon only thefe three Rules: 1. That afrer we have tryed, we then compare our prefent, with our former ll:ate, <>.nd confider whether we have encreafed or decayed in grace. 2. That if we have profited in grace, we then confider by what means we have pro– fited, that fo we may make more conll:ant ufe of fuch means ; or if we have decayed in grace, we then obferve by what temptations we were overcome, that fo our former errors may make us more wary, and more refolute againll:them for the future. · 3. Tha-t as we meet with any occalions of moment concerning which we had a pur. 'f'Ofe to better our Spiritual ftate, we then recall home our thoughts, and make ufe of tlU:rf,rmer refolutions, and practice what we did purpofe. - - Out of all thcfe litid rogetber, we may more fully defcribe it thus: ~ -&elf-t>'Jtd is" diji:ujfion ofa mans l1je, f or thefinding out the true jfate ofamans foul towardrGbd, accompanied witha purpofe and prailice of<whatfoever, upon tryaljha/1 ap· -pearreq~tijite for the falvation andgood ofa mansfoul. ',.); -· ' ' r - ~ . J,/ vf! • S E C T. 2. Of the ObjeC/:s •fSelf-tryal. J'He Object of ourTryal is either J RWorkf.d ) tlVar s. F k h . h 5 Et•il work! or Sin J. or our wor s, t ey are c1t cri Good work.J,' or Dmiu. W ft . fi . l General. 1. c mu cxamme or try oor m m l Special. 1. In General, whether of Omiffion or Commiffion : For as in the !aft Judgment, our Lor~.will not only give Seutence againft Murthers, and Oppreffions, but againft ·Uhchaiitablenefs, and Unmercifulncfs, in not feeding· the Hungry, in not lodging the !hanger, in not clothing the naked, in not vifiting the fick: So when we judge our felves, \vc mull: ccnfure not only our Robbing the poor, but our not Relieving the · poor; not only our Commitlions ofevil, but our Omiffions of good. 2. In Special, whether ofour Calling or Natur.e.;...:I'-hefe fins may breed fpecial dan. ger, bec~ufe we arc ready to drop into them of our own difpofitions; and therefore in tlfe~hily care of our fouls, we had need to try·ourfelves<:onccrntng thefe fins. 2. As we mull examinc'or try our evil works, fo our good works. , I. Becaufe we are many times deceived with !hews, thinking that good which is' Ph:t, 1· 6. evil: Thus Pa"1 thought he !hewed much zeal, when he perfecured the Churches of ]wig. 17 • ' 3 • Chrift? and Micha thought he highly merited Gods favour, when he ktpt a Prieft for Jdolatrcusfervice. 2. Bccaufc in the very works which are truly good, we do many times intermingle ·corruptions of our own; fomctimes evil ends, and fometimes evil thoughts, and fom<· times we perform them in an evil manner ; but always in our bell: devotions there are many .imperfections and failings. Indeed this tryal is a Dmy necelfary to all Dutirs: ~~:; _'~;, ~~: ·If we" believe, we tiiUll: 'do it with the hrart;· R'Om. I o. 1 o. If we ling Pfalms, we tC 01 ,,;, ,l. ·mullido· it' with the Spirit, -xCor:: I+· 15. !fwecon\e to the Lords Supper, firil, ~- La "!!"'" .Xamine himfelf.and fo let'him eat, I Cor. I I. 28. Ifwe pray, we mult tl1creirf examine :.And hence (as fome obferve) the fume Hebrew word fignifics to pray; ·and to judge amansfelf. · · . ·,- ~~~ qccaufc D_iities·ar-e ofJcveral[ inward 'l.. 0 r S!/:::. · · · .... ~orts, ~ outward SY (_ AC/:fon, In·trying i:hcfe thi·etL; "(ve Ihall inclufivcly try all forts of Dmirs that are in reference 'to t-hem. 2. For