Ambrose - Houston-Packer Collection BX5200 .A49 1674

2 . For rewards, our only tryall in i·~ference to them is concerning our rig ht ani title to them; our intereft itt them. Ofwhtch m order. SECT. 3· Of the manner oftrying or examining our fins isgeneral, THat we may try or e1(amine our fins of all forts, ·obferve thefeRules: , I. Procure we a Catalogeeof our fins both before, and fince our :converfion; and to that purpofe, go we through t~e by on.e; and meach of then1 confider what fins arc condemned, and what Dmm are en)oyned: A,nd hereupon queftion witb our own hearts, Whether have !committed this or thatfin? 2. Whether have 1negleiled this or that Duty_ ? and as the heart anfwers, be ready to note down thofe fins whereofwe ftand guilty. . · · . 2 • The fins thus found out, make ~ve ~ folemn Confe!lion to God, with deep Humi– liation· let them be dolorous Confeffions, With gnef and forrow for fin,. ancl from a fight an'd fence of it; Thus Ephraim did, and God was faine to ack!\owledge it, I havefurely hea,dE.phraim bemoan himfelf: 0 the Lord loves to hear fuch bemoaning EphraimJ, and fuch bemoaning Gonfeffions. . . 3 . The fins thus confeffed and bewailed, let us judge and condemn our felves: This is that Duty lnftanced in by the ApofHe, If we _would Jttdge o11r felv~, 1veJ!1ould not be jedged. There is a Tribunal that we lhould cv~ry one erctl: Withm us, where Con– fcience is the Accufer, Reafon the Judge, Fear the Goaler, Sorrow the Executio– ner. . 4 .. After we have thus judged our felves, let us then apply our felves to Gods Throne of Grace; let us defire of God falvation; in the Lord }efus Chrift: Let u.s cat1: all our confidence on him, who never fails them that put their truft in him,,and in his precious Merits. · SECT. 4· OJthemanneroftryiNg, or examining ourfpecialjim. THat we may try, or examine our fpecial fins, our Dalilah fins, obferve we thefe Rules: . . · . . 1. Endeavour we to findc out this fin; and in our fcrutiny, we may difcover it by thefe marks:' · , r. That is the Dalilah, which thy own Confciencc and the linger of God in the Miniftry many times meets with, and chiefly checks thee for. 2. That which thou art lotheft to leave, hat1: lcaft power to refift, apd which moft· hinders the refignation and fubmiffion of thy foul and body tQ the Word and Will of God. : ·. .. 3. That which God often correCls in thee, even in the interpretation ai¥1 guilty acknowledgment of thy felf-accufing heart ; and if ever the fword of the Spirit thal! cleave it from thy bofom(which is infinitely to be defired)it will coft the bitterell: tears, and decpeft groans. , 4- Thoughts, Plots, and Projects about it (a thoufand to one) ordirtarily' feize up, on th_y heart at the very firft waking, if they have not broken thy lleep, and troubled thee m thy dreams. . . , . 2. The fin once found out, do we ·purfue it, and make we a folertm Confe(lion to God of it; mourn we under it, and defire we help from God for his mortifying Grace. . . J, Set:Ie we in our felves a purpofe of heart, to forbear it for time to ..come : In lmd~rtakmgofwhtch purpofe, it will be expedient to fet our felves fome fhort fpace of t1me, as for a day or a moneth, &r. and when the prefixed time is co,ne,we lhoul4 ·then quefhon oar felves, How well we have performed? or how, or wherein we have failed? and then begin a new purpofe. . . N 4· Be we ever .jealous of our ~el~es, and of our infirmity and prbneneff'c to this fi~. ow we have two grounds of th1s Jealoufie : . I. Left we be deceived about it. · . 2. Let1: we be overtaken with it. , ~- We maybe; deceived, in fuppofing that we are utterly divorced and: qui;~ del1Yered from th1s bofom-fin, when it is nothing fo; asthus: p ; 1. 'vVe 107 Jer. ;r. rB, tCor.ti. ;r.