Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Ser>non 6. OftheNAT 1 v 1 T 1 E. 49 . ,11 ------- champion \Ve O:ood in need of, to re{cue us. And here we have onenow,ev.~nD~t-:' Mefia<,as Daniel c;!lleth Hm;t. He,as thts day_,came mto thecampe,fet up Hisp.~vtl;.. Dll>,s·•i, ,, among us. The Tabernacle ofGoo was Withmen. He m1ghr nor ll:ay e1ghr cfsly,~s in the campc, but He mufl: rake Sacramentam mtlJtare: So He d1d. And the ceremonie of irwasro b~jfmcken,and wbleedCome {mall quantity: So He was, at HisCir-" Ctlmciflon: And after,Heperformed the barrel! arH1sPafton. Where, though it cofr.· Him f]islife, yet thevzaory fell on H1s fide, Capnvttte w,u ledcaptwe, and we were :EpheC.~.gJ delivered. His Tent was but a fore-runnerto H1s combatc. Tlus for H1s dwelling. Now the Affidavit. As the wordHabitavit pointeth us to this firfl: day ofthe _F eaft; and HisTent, to ~~;,;'!,~<la~i~ the middle day; when He underrookeour quarrell : Sovzdtmm (now)•s proper to Wefaw, the lafl: day,rhe day ofManifeftation,or Epiphanie. He dwelt; and not inviflbly,or ob- • . .. fcHrely, but {o~ as Hemigh~be (and was) feene. Even,this very firll: day, vidimU<, might the shefiJerds fay, we Jaw Hu Angels, and heard them ling, and then went to ;~ ·; JJethlemand j"aw Himfelfe. VidimU<, might rh~Wife-men fay : wefawHis Star in the , 1'.4_/1, and we are come to fee Himfelfe. T~is the~ might fay,and truly :_fo_r,~h~fe ~~~=6:;·~ ;)r things werenordonemobfc,.ro. But(as we fa1d) Th1s claufe1s the .djfidavtt, lt !S m- ~ ferred,as aProofe. You rell usof His making, and His dwelling: ~omotW conjfat? How lhaUit appeare1ridimru is the bell: proofethat can be ;He {•w it; was atJe1e- IolLr9. 1 r~ ~itntjfe of what he tejlijied. . And it is not vidt,but vidtmm; more eyes than one: Not he alone,others more z fa 1v it be/ides him. Inrhe mouth' oft1vo or three witnejfes: Peter,Iames,andHe, (vi- Vidimus,noi dimusJ were in the Holy <.Miunttogether,andfawhimtransftgured. Nay,awhole ~~;~·;~· 1.> clottdof wit11ejfes (CXX.) Jaw Himtakenupinto Jleuven, out of their fight, in the' Iohn~.lVUountof olives. Well might He fay,vidimU<, ~~a· .. 9·. • ,. And that notJer tra»fennsm,atabluih,paffingby; buthadafullfight,looked e '·;···· well uponHim, atleafure; did it throughly, for a good rime together. It is not ;p;;:, <e'"'"~-''u~: butlhJ..a•i7~,(the word, whence a Theater is derived:) As men with good heed be- Saw 1 iti•«•~ hold things there : fo did we, intentively, all thearfs andfcenes of His life. ''"'~· But I aske: What faw they~ Theflefb peradventure : TheWord, they could not 4 fee. He is _Ggd; and G_odhatkn6 man everfeen~. True: that, theyc~uld not;yerHu gl6- ~~:r,~~gl•ryi ry they m1ght,and d1d. Wh1chglory was an mfalhble demonll:ratlon ofH1s prefence, · there. Thorow theveile of hi<flefh,Cuch beames He call:,as behindthofe douds,they Hebr.' 0··~· l mightknow,there was aSun;as,that way only,couldHe bemade vifible to the eyes of.flefh,which orherwife could not behold Him. . · Butit may beitwas fome wrong, this, but!uch,as wasfeeneinMofes, orinSte- $ pbenscountenance. He anfwers that, and tells us: It was not, qt~aft Servi, like a Ser- ~fi••itt!th vant; nay,nor qu•ft Filii,like anyadopted Sons: but,thisglo.ry was every way fuch as 1 ' 0 "' well might it befeeme theWord,or only Son :but could ao-ree tono creature thou~lt never fo glorious. To none but Him: and fo beingpropriu":n qi~arto modo,might be~ a medtU< terminu.,in a demonll:ration. And if you aske,whatthatg!ory migbt bu ·With aword, to fay to the ll'tndand 6 fiorme' obmuteJce: and todifea(es, b Vol1,mrmdare:And toDeath it felfe, c Tibi dico, Wlut tltis glii Sarge. His Miracles,they ihewedHisglory,isexprelfelyfaid (in the next Chap.v.u.) ri~'t' .'rhe Starat His birth; t~e eclipfeat Hisdeath; theglory ofHfs chA~Jging in the Mount: ~ Ma:,ay ~ut,above ~11, H1s glonous A{cenfion, and receiving 11p into He 4 ven. All which they 'Luk<Nt, aw; as bemg mthe Theater all the while, from theEpittljis to the very CatAjlrophe. · j;herefore he reUs us here, (and againe in his Epijfle,) hewritesnothing, burwhat ht •.Ioh:'oh , hl~a.nd beheld\ and evenhiJ hAIIds hadhandledof tke Wordof Life. Wemay beleeve h ·He,and h1s Conteftes, fuffered many things for the truth of their w1tnelfe : and r4~~~1~~odd (£ince) bath bdeeved this their Ajfida'l!}t~ N~ware we pall the ,