Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

11 Ofthe N AT I vI TIE. Sermon 6. 'l'h•-C••fo· But what,is all that avidimtu? Nothingbut am~t<ke, to befeene ? CameHe 6n. ~~/i'if "'' Jy to make a glorioeu jhew t~ them :~11 ! No : but as He came not obfcure, but wa_s ••deruJ jeene: fo,Hecame not emptse,but fuU,and was felt ofthem,thatfaw Hun not. Ytdtmeu is not all: aYerfe afterthere is accepimHS; To fee His glory they rmive of hi& ftdnejfe: They,andwc. Jlu11-<>for4te Many are the perfecrions,whereof He isfit!!: Two only hcrechofen out,as two f,~~[.'"'b Hreames,' Grace and, Truth. With them He commeth, with the fulnelfe ofthem ': Not of one of them,but ofborh. Grace referrcth to theSonne: Truth to the Word. Imes -us· Grace is ~oadopt us: TrHth, to beget us anew ; for, of Hi•orvne wiltHe hath begottenm , by the wordof Truth. And thefe doe very fit!y follow afterglory. Glory of it fclfe terrifies,and makes ll 3 I!ph.!<.6. J cr(et6; fiandaloofe;Grace invites: And Hisglory is fuch,as isfit/lofgrace.His Mercie,asgreat as His Majeflic full out. Ableffed thing it is,when thefe two meet; and they that are inglory are full ofgrace,too. It isnot fo with every one,that isinglory: But, though there beGrace,unldfe there beTmth too,all is nothing. For Grace,becaufeit is plaufi. ble,and pleafcth the people,it is affccred : there is a taking ongrace infaceandphr&[e, bunvhen all is done,it wanteth [oundtrHth. That is rightgrau, that hath tmth joy– ned toit. Yerbumgrati£,and YerbunHharitatif both,and it is both. Yea,verbum caro, His word is not wind,it hathf!ejh on it :His Tmth is (as it were) thejlejhoflfis Grace. Thus may be the confcquence. . ' But ofthcfe two choice is made,as ofthofc,our watu~e fioodmoft in need of.Out ofgrace we were ; and without grace, as Sinners and iaerrours, wandring up and downe; as even the befi of ournaturedid at His commingintothejlejh. This isthe ftatc He found us in,when He came among us. . Againfithe firfr,gr~tijicavit nos fn DiteCJ:o,Hebrou!\ht us ingraceagain,through H1s BelovedSon: GrattAmprogratta (He fa1th after ftmght,) for thegr.creHisSonn' had with Him,Hereceived ustogr4Ct. -Againfi the later,he brought us truth,to fetus in theright,YeritM,&ri11!ha '"·6· ta; rerit~~< between both: Yia,& verit.u,or veritMvi.e,the trueWAJ : Yita & verit~. orverit,uvit.e,the true life (that is) Li(e etsrna/l : We cannot bewithout either. This for our need. But,within a 'V<rfe after,! finde thefe two fet in oppolition to the Law,and the Law to them : as ifS.Iohnpointed us whereto we fhould refer them. The L<~w full of rigour, many threats, and curfes in it ,: Chrift bringeth the word of GY4ce,oppofet h tothat.TheLaw fullof emptiefoadowes,andCeremonies; whichTruth Colof.>., 1 , is fet'llgainfi : .Corpus autem Chrijlus, Chrijlthe very body, toLex h.cbens ~~mbram : Hcb'·'""· So, requiliteto quit us of theL<w; The Law,theWord,thatmarriedjlejh. The bringing ofthefe two together is agreai matter; and together they mufi be, Grace, from truth, andit is fa/lax, but aviZ/Itlr, but a meere illufion : Truth, fever it fromgrace, and it isingrata, but an unplealingthing. GraceandTruthkept in funder, and never met before :But, when the w~rdandjlejll met,then did they meet !'Cats po. andKijfeeach other (faith theProphet, and cloth with a wholeFfalme celebrate this meeting.) · They mufi meet,andGraeebe firfr;as here.We !hallnever feveritie of His Tmth,unleffeGracecome before,and allay it. But,whenGracehath brought us t? . 5 ~'4et6ti'l : thenTr11zb. ·'~ · 7iim,Truthwill hold us withHim. By Grace \VC !hall accomplilh, whatTruth reqw– reth at our hands: thatfo,receivingGrace, and walking inTr11th, wee may comet() the third, the reward of both,Glory. 6 Fallofthem ; and thewcrdwould not be paffed. We find others fuU ofgr•ce,$ Fu~.r both. Hi5blejfedMother,andasS. Stephen. Theirs reacheth not tous : None ofthem have 1uket·' 8 • l more•ban fervesfor themfelvcs. For,the "'irit itgiven them,but,by meafure; but pkMts r H· Jr !on.J-3 4 • -nitudovajis,in them,the fulneffe ofaVeffell; if yeetake a11y thing out,to powre into another, it isthe leffe for it. But, His is plenitudo (ontil, the fulneffe of afountaine, 1 whi~h is n~ver drawne drie : qui implet aby!fom, & nonminoratHr, fills :1 great poole a!-!d1t felfe neverthe lerfc. Of whichfulnejfe theyall recewcd,andHe never the em.p- . uer