Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 7· G 0 intimut4,flal<e /Jy Prothets: and but by Prothets,He (Jakc 12or, fromMo3 0 I;hn BaftJJf (who W.!S rhe Hort'{!nof the Lall'and Cojjelf.) I will not ltind, InthcNtw. fes, r: tbrouan them all. And now, theApo.ftle, when he ts to come ro usznthelaft d~ u. when t~e lhould oppofe three more, ro ma\ch the formet three, he doth nor; t1 'lfcrh by thetwo firfi, tne Parts, atfd the Manner : leaverh OUt '"'upfpor an;! t P' ,and fo infinuates thereby thus mut:h; 'har,He harh /}oken ro ttsentirely;wirh– "";~fervanon. and llnifo~mely' wirhO\lt 'Variation. But, thofe tWo b~ W~·vetq, ahd fofia-ceh only on'rhis laic, (as rhe fairefi mark ofdrffere(lce) the Proftefs,aifd ifu'S m. The Prothets were holymm; bur, men. An~, there~s 'anM11re more per!ecr;, r~~n 'H~f.\':;.•· thlt ofman· even the nature of God. And, mthe~oufe'of Go'd, they weref1•th- M"·'"l>· full {ervant;; b~t yec,fervai'Jts : and, that ( ~e kno\~) is bur an unpe~fe_et condir,ibn, jncomparifon of a SoN N •· To""m thel4fl' dayes rsgtven, rharwha~~v~_hav~, we 8 bave nor from anyProphet, though neverfo excellent; but, from the Lordof,the gro- M;Jt.U•l • phet> : Not from anyServant, thoughmneverfo great place;·bur, fro;n'rhe S,o.N) And,norfrom any ofthe fonsof men ;bur, from Huownesow:e, tlre S? N ;<. . •~( Go n. From His mouth we have rece1vednonc~of G9 D swill: He Hrmfelfe.ort ·ten~~<,ill'lparred itto us. - · · . . ,,, _· .· <' , 13ut rhen, If any aske: Seeing, Go o,,ii1tiihes p_4:ft, and God, tn'thefe lafl daye.} 1 i~ the fame God; He that f!ake 'to tlfe Fathers, and He, rhat,TDtU, bur o~espe~ker: why nor, by His S!Jn, ac firft r I will givea reafon,fir forrhis place. A Decor~m,V[i's to be kepr,and Come kmd ofconefpondence wttl; Stare.• That as, 1 at. th~ r,ro~~~cltng. of agreat Prmce, before He Htmfelfe cqmmeth',n;ijght,many there be,t!i;tt,g9e be– foreHim,alid ·rhofel of divers degrees; and atl~fi, ,Himfelfedorh appeare: S'o,this Pri!ue,rhat Sits in the Throne,lhould not fian out at the"li_rfi;and lhcw Himfdfe; but beallowed His traine ofPatriarlw, an,dProphets, to b·c' tj:[s Ante411•b,./;' and, in G''·H· the f•llneJTe of ti111e, Hitnfelfelhould com_e, wirhthe fiJlne[JFofgdc-e ~ndt'r'ttth, and loll. ,;.~4·''· cfrablilh oneenmeumforme way, to comroue for ever,' l . From this comparifon, rhefe arethe points,wel6rne ~ W~mull:fmi adperfeClio– nem. And, thefc are notes of imperfeCtion: Thei'e be roo>hanyparts, and toomanj mannm,in that, robe aperfeCt, State; If theMatter were fwl,nomorewould be ;~d- (led : If theMannerwere perfeCt, it would no more be afrered. Nevcrrh,n,ro reil in . thefe. Mefes himfelfe poinreth us, to oneafter him, by his Ipf"m attdite, (Deut. r8.) o,.,, ti. ,8__ Who is that~ God Him(elfe,in the Mmmt, tells us by His Ip(itm audtte. And,when Mn.•7 ·5· God faid ir,Mofes andEli,u were there in the moum,andrefigncd up both their feverall audiences : Mofes, for himfelfe; andEliu, as well in his own~ name; as in the name of all the Prophets. . . . · This,ogainll: th~ Iewes; that will,no further thenMofes :that wi)l reft iptheLaw. ., For, mht! adterfeCltem addtecit Lex, the Lawbriugs nothing ro perfcetl'qri :'Bur Finis,. ~egts, CHR 1 ~: u s. And, all Prophecie hangs in fufpence (as imperfccr,)dll the ~ullil!tng oftt; wluch was done by chrijl;rowhom they all gave wirneffe. Now,itihen that, isterfe{/,is come; that, that is tenperft{/, mlljl a'"''Y· Nor tcHefr,in djerii, then: ' Cor.t;.ao. Bur, to CH R 1 s T ; and never refi;till we a>me to Him. . · And, as never to rell:, rill we come ro him :So, there ro reft,when\ve are come to H1m: As foone as Hts votce bathfoundeil inour eau!, that they itchno more after any I)OW revelations. For,in, Him, areallthe trea{teres oj' wi{tdome,and knoll'ltdge. Colof.,.J. Godfp,•ke8nce andtrviet: A third t~me,He will nor fpeake. Thts,isHislal< time: I'f'll.h " · l:Ie wtll !peakc no more. Look for no morepuces,nor phanfie no morefa{litMs: Con_ jirmmat'"" eft, there are no more, to looke for. He is thetmth: and, hnhat bath ~ou~d the truth,andfeekes further, no remedie, he mull: needs finde a ly; [\e ea~ find~ !oh. 1 9·••, l otlnng elfe, To getus therefore toChrijl; and never begot from H1m; bur; there, 1oldu5 , • . • · '>1•' ~ecannot follow a better patterne,than the Apojllehere : We fee, what h~ll:e he ~~ e~ .. For, (as if he .wcre upon th:ornes, till bee were withchrijl,) wirhl5ltpriy xor '""'' or preamble, here, in the beginningof his Epiftle, he hits omhe Polnt :F 4 fireighq