Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

II. ThePofidve f..~n. •, _t Of the NAT'Iv IT zx. Scrmon-J-• itreight; as if all time were loll:,till hr. were there. Yea, having named theparts,and m«mers ofthe timesp4Jf, fo~ verl' halt to be at Him, heforgets bothtarts· ners; only for ddire to be With H1m,the (oooer. , ·''·. ~ , .. ". And(fo,with hlm)I h~e to palfeto thefecondPoftJive p~rt. Where!~beingcare– ftlll, we fl1oul4 take PFrfeCl: notice of Him.;•and fearing we would not weigh thefe wpras [by Hi<s~n] as weremeet, but hea·rethem Oeighdy,and palfethem l.ightly o• ver ; the reil: oft~e Text he·fpcnds,in making a commemarie.Qf.this.word Son : That we may ciinfider,bowgreatthisl'~rtieis;aad coofequemly,how much itimportsus~ t(/.reg~rd HisJlmh,and to cll:eeme ofHisftiljl with no meane accompt.And,(to fay truth) It was morl! than needfull, ctonfideripg the meannelfe ofHis birth to day ; that He !l1ou\d thus proclaime His ll:ile ofeight titles,and,over the place ofit,ll:ick them U£, as fo many fcutcheons,to give us true nNice of thegreatnelfe of the Panic. ' .'But witha.ll, his meaning was to defcribe Chrifi at all points: as (indeed) thefe eigl~t comeine a perfeCt defcription,of His Natures,His Perfon, His offices, Hisvf. gencte. , His 1{at11res,in the very beginning : ~mfecit,is Man; Per que!" fecit, is Go o. Not,qttemonely, Manalone; but, Per quem (.ectda, Goo alfo. But, for His Divine 2'{gt11re, He is more full yet; Thar, He is Hi< Son, the.Splendorof Hisglory, theCh4• ratJer.of His.{ttl>.Jlance, the Maker Md Vpholderof the worldand a/~in i~. . · • His Per(on: mt'rU.swordfemmpfo; Hedid 1t Hzmfelft, (that Is,) mh1s owne perfan. Himfelfe,isevcrfaidofaPerfon. '; .,. His offices: I?bisJleaking, His Pr~phc~ie ;by which, Heunfoldethtbe Myjferiet of G o o. In H" purgmg ou~ finnes,IS H1s Pmjlhood : And, H1s K ingdome, io the throne of Majeftie,whereinHejiJs. 1 His Agencie, (or qt~idadnps d In loc~ettts eft nob#, To til, HeJltalmh : and,purgani peccata nojlra, 011rfins-He p11rgeth. NobH,andnojlra: Tom,andform, He is, that Hee is. All HisJleaking, agcfdqing, propter nos homines,&propter falHtem nojlram,for m men,andfor our falvaiion : :md,ourpart,in Hi01,and Hii. · r We reducedall thefe eight,to rwo.' What in Himfclfe; • andwhat,rifertndo tous~ Wh>tChri/1 In Himfe!fe : what by Nature; Son andheire: What by excellencie; Splendor and ;,in Himfelft. charaE!er : What by power; <.Maker 4ndVpholder of aft. To us; What in lweal– ready performed; Hehathpt~rgedot~rfins .. InhopeyetexpeGl:cd; He ti {et,andinpof– fellionof thethrone ofglorie;which is, in our names,and to our behoofe,and not His owne. ' . lit his 2livin• His DivineNdtttre hath no lelfe thanthree, to exprelfeit: 1 Son, •Brightnejfe,and olat•r~, 3 [:h•raller ;and two,to prove it,the •makingand •jitpportingofall. I haveheretofore remembred you,that the high pertecrionsofthat nature are fuclt and fo many,as, no termewill fuffice,to fet it forth : we areglad to borrow frotl'l many,to doe it;andyet,but brokenly,too. And that though there be not any refem– blance tran!lated from the creatures, (though never fo excellent,) that will hold full alfay,yet withall,this we ate to thinke,that,fince theHolJ Ghojl bath made choice of thefe termes,they are no idle fpeculations, that are drawen from them. Of thcfethreethen: •Son,•Brightnejfe,3 CharaE!er. • InSon,ther~isatrueiden.: ;:.s,_...: titieof Nature: upon it is grounded, '~"'""• being of one fubil:ance; even as theSon >.Btigbtntffi. is with the F,ather. •But theSoncommeth aft& theFather, intime, and that agood time :Amends is madefort.hat, inthcnextterme, (Brightnejfe.) For,it is not to be im 4 gined, fh~t there ever_was, or could be a light b~d¥,but,in the very fame infiant theremull il:reame from It,a brtghtnejfe. So,upon thts IS groundedCoeternall. 3 ;cbataller. • l Butthen,there is fame inequalitie, between the light body it felf,and the beame or brightnejfeof it :TheBeame not full out fo cleere. This, is the imperfeClion in the termcBrightnejfe. ~ut, that is fupplied,by the next,CharaE!er,: For,r-hat,is (ever) juft equal\; neither bigger, norlelfcr, than the type, or tl:ampe,that 01adeit. Vpan this ' (then)