Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

76 Qzlef11011S and Anfweres 7. Command. (f aieth the Apoltle ) to knave God , and therefore God delivered them vp into a reprobate Jude ,to doe thofethinges which are not conucnient . That is , God fuficred Satha fo to harden their hcartes and to depriue them of the vfe euen of natural' light,as that thole thinges teemed but fportes vitro thcm ,andmatters offinaliweight, which otherwife would haue feared them cuco to ththke vpon. The Prophet Oft fetmcthto allcadge the eerie fame manner ofproceeding ofSathan in thole that knowc G O D. When beefaycthofIfrael1, thatwhoredomeandromeandnewwine :ookeawaytheirhearts. That is, their judgement and vnderflanding their confcience and feeling, whereby they fhoulde abhorre fo difplcafmg alife before the Lorde. And what mcaneth Salorron pcou,7. sa. when he fayth , that Theyoungman followeth the inticing har late to her hoofe ou the are to the (laughter, but eucn this , that by the fubull malice of Sathan bee is depriued of fence to difcerne whither he goeth , and what his fall will be ? So then 1 fay one meanes whereby Sathan in times palt drewe men from chaflitie , the vertue of this Commaundement , to lull and impuririe the breaches of the fame , was by dulling their heartcsin moll fcaretull manner , that they felt not finneto bee finite , no not Opinion of in eucn verle great and grieuous fumes to be any at all. Another meanes was by inflil. differencie an ling into their mindes an opinion ofindifferencie in thcfe matters,and that G O D((o othermeanes hoe were ferucd in (pirite of them ) palled not for then bodies , but left than in forre forte tothemfelues, to vie to their plcafures. This ( to omit a multitude of bra- Aft s f. then hiflories , as alfo Simon Magus whome Atsflen notcth a defender of this do- t-trine ) may appears by that decree of the Apollles , that the Gentilles (hould ab- tlaine from fornication , and alfo mofi euidently by the epilile of Paul to the Coran- Verl;tî. & 14 thians who thought of this matter as of a meere naturali thing, to lawfull forthcm as eyther to eat or drink, fo they refereed their foulei and fpiritcs to worship God. But the Apoflle fheweth it to bec farrc otherwife , and with many vehea t nt pcti- tions of the duetiesof their bodies , impugning fo vile a conceits of 1114117 to vfe them veto Tuft. He bath created your bodies faith the Apoltle, of velt as your foule; and therefore you mull glorifie him afwell in bodie as in joule. Hee preferueth alto the one afwell as the other , the blonde of Chrifl was (bed afwell for the one as the other to redeeme it from death , they are both indifferentlie the Temples of the holie Ghofi, they are both the members ofChrill, and at the latter daye they mufl both by Chrillbee rayfed, the bodie then to bee ioyned to the Soule, which before hued feparated , and therefore afwell in Bodie as Soule G O D muff bee glorified , and both of them from filthic lull and pollution kept chalfe. Maniemoe are the rea- Verf.. sq. fons of Paul in that Epillle to driue the Corinthians from this deteflable conceipt, that fornication was a matter indifferent , and chaflitie required not fo much in bodie as in mincie. But I referre them to the diligent reader himfelfe to marke , and thus much onelie note to (heave the meanes whereby Sathan in thole dayes preuayled fo much to drawemen to the breach of this Commaundement. A third meanes we reade of, which argueth not a little the dulneffe of man and the boldeneffe of Sathan if once he get any vantage , cuen the verle worde of God abufed to confirme that which ?hescripmres neither God nor his 'gorde couldpeuer abide. In the Apocalips , mention is made of vvreftedsano_ theNicolaitansfinniil 'ginthisre(céimot +fearefull : and it is allo b learnedmen the, mines, recorded howe Nicholas the firfl father of the filthinel(c fell into grot %and molt Chaps, fearefullfanne. Clemente andEuf biue fay that liee did it of meere limplicitie to re. mooue fromhim the fufpition of iealofie,and to giue a telimonievnto theworld,thae he was not contrary to the profe(fion ofa Chriflian,too much addiéled to any earth- ly thing, finte it is written, that ¡se which hatech notfarher or mother, wife orchilde for Chrifl, cannot be his difciple , and no man canferne two ma fters,with fuch other places moft wickedly wrefled to bring in a molt horrible conclufion. Carpocrates and his feel through their abhominable life was warranted by that fpeech of Pau!, that anger Roams. and tribulation (hall be vpon emery foule that fnneth. See fay they, how he faieth vpon euery foule , not vpon curry bodie , fo that our bodies wee may vfe as wee lift. Others