Babington - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .B23 1615

7 Comm îírr`ii. vpaathe C lnman°ï:'elnellts. 77 Others Vied th'efe places : we ape »ot under thelam,but tinder ,'Kee. loflonnn ef! lex po- fita,There is no ram for the iuff,and fuch other. By all which thinges it is apparant ho mightily Sachan bath bent his force to drawe men tothe pollution oftheir bodies, & to vneleànn'effe forbidden in this commandement. Now marks Ail! i pray yeti the courfe ofthis matter'ta'tid fee how the Church 9fGod ever wit'n lloode this ivorke of fatan in meafure, & föughttoeflablifh honcit life and chafle behaviour, as I haue be- fore (hewed : fo in the beginning ofthe golpel ef'pccially (as aloft caufe was pen through the abundance of the contrarie fin) very vehemently; and fharpely was con- demned that libertieofluf}, and filthieaffeeliou, which then ruled and on the con- trary fide was vrged cha(lity,with reafons laide downe forthe excellency of it, & the commandments ofGod for it. And indeedefuZeloufly, fo diligently and fo effe. ¿ìualIy "as this dont by the godly teachers of thofe times , as thatfath'arisfubtilties prcttailing fo touch before to the coritarie, began toloofe their flrengrh daily more and more.For the hardneffe of mens heart through which fin fo greatly iucreafed,vvas turned into foftnes,and chriflian feeling,their ignorance wh ?ch accounted fo foule at onean indifferent matter,was daily dititinifhed & turnedhito knowledge:their iudg ments before abufed With fhewc of fcriptures to confirme their culli, were bettered by the Spirit of light to perceitie and fee howe lowly there Scriptures were wre- fled to a wrong ende, ad howemany apparandy commaundedthe contrarie. So that their confciences beeing quickned,their eyes opened, and their vnderflanding aug mented by continual! and godly teaching , lull waxed leffe or at leaf+ morebrderlie to thefbowe ofman. For it brake not out in fuch confuted manner, as béïore , to all and euerie one ,' that was liked and might be obtained . Now'then yet fee a deuill. When he fawt his kingdome in-men thus euery day fall to tuinè through diligent exhortationsvfttoxhal1itie, fo that he was hot able to deale with men as before and to make them little account of aauall pollution as hee had doone, what deutfeth he yet(ldl to continue his venome in mankinde ? Surely cued this ( note it and wonder ) bee falleth to preach and teach chaftìtie alfo b? his miniflers , and to extoll ittoheauen. But hoe ? Not as hee fhould I warrant .you, but as it bell ferued for his wicked intent. .1-lee dooth not' teach then to keeps bodie and mindepurefrom all cs c(eaneaólioris or conceipts , but he lábotireth rd perfwadetheoutwardcontinelicyno bdy(wharbroyles offcorchiügJu(4 feleuer the Mind abideth)is an holiething before &od,ofitfelfe ecceptable,and meritorious. -c dooth not teach men that there is an acceptable dhallitie in góíhymatrimonie, if the . giftofcontinenciebeenorgiuen}bytvntokertaireperfonáhRflarlyforbiddethit, ac not rollerable,and generallie in all hee Booth notes St as cuJpibke, pi eferrmg tingle life indignitie, holines, andmeritebeforeitin ail rrten ,Thus'f dolvèhisfcholerandinfiru- mentAíncanthehcrctikeabouttheycare ofO'l*ffi 33:.Etibliihing, and teaching, that the coniunétiorr ofman and wota an cues ináskiarr bistro* íeás lime that it hro- cceded or was inuentedof acontrarltt111ODD ?fittaQg4)1140IiIktioiy were the worke of the diuell, and men alfo the onehtilft £íd6140142! otitelällow none tobte bap_ tiled , voles they either were anglt"í6Y+,,Atei ftöfhìfoiiér after to be fo, &c. To this.endagaine lleppedvp ratia}ori atittfiti t504tWslliötftiiilÿere I 4 í. And he at the fir(+ afwcll as Marcion conttdttinetiwt 3tttftcAfiefitgJ0thtr' alto, but aftér- warde he drewc in his fpeachfrori ofehlly42atcktrigItaírÿtfit11.l4 t-tend vndrrthe high coimnendation of tingle l fel pt tlilytpilichttf atIthYillktbftil" effife of .Wed- lock e and fought to make ithateftnlllr>' VbeTe dií Ft fillö'MiswJêrecalled En- eratires. After Tstiaesu came. Meärtdokieíaboirttbs reare r 4:s'°; 'who fùfferedirft mariages in loch as were weake , but. condemned the fecund 'as intollerable in any. Then followed Mrnichem andhis 'and they gátie tb the ruder fort as they called them; lease to marrie, but for fuch'atciWcre ofany credit atnongR thein, and grown as the y fay to.any perfeelion ; they Might not in any wilt mart but hut chaRe. Thus br_gan the opinion-of frngle litelic0excell the other euen by there Aeps. From tnhence divers godly fathers rcceiutdiinfe&ion, asTertallian, Hierom, Origen, Clement ,' azraazene , withothers,fallibg very farte with theft heretikes H 5 into l