Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• I ( 82 ] ;$dJettl)elef~ 3\ tatJ not .tl)c lean tJOubt bttt tl)at tl)e lll3elief of tlJe ([i)urcl) of England 'roa~ tl)c true, . ·ann 31 neucr l)an anp fcrupl~ rt~1 trouble of ([on~ fciencc on tl)i~ ·.®ccafion until November laft, tl)at ~ bcg;an to rean !JDr,, Heylin'~ ~tfto&p of tl)e JRefo&m:atton, \nl)ic~J i~ mttclJ eftcemctl; ann ml)cre" of tl)e reantng in tlJe ..®pinion of all tl)e able ~en ,of tl)e i!lin~~om, i~ fttffiti.cnt to free tl)e ([onfci~me front; all f3crupl£~· ann Woubt~ \nl)icl) migl)t arife about l.Reltgion. :ll5ttt fo~ mp part fat from , finni~~ in tl)at ~tfio1,p \nl)at \t!a~ fain of it , ] fonnn to tl)e contrarp tl)at bp reantng ·of it ; it !Jnlp mane me fee tl)e motll)o&rible ~actilengef5 tl)at mere cber l)eatn fpoken of , ann tl)at it ma~ not fttff!cicnt to fati~fie an. inniffercnt unlJcrfiantJin~, no~ to pcrf\nane it tl)at \!le f)an tl)c leafr fotmnation o~ appearance of reafon fo~ cl)ang:ing tl)e ancient jface of tl)e ([l)urcl), ann renounctn~ tl)e ([atl)olick ~digion. · . · 31 noten in tl)at ~Hro~r firft, tl)at Henry ff;e (ffgl)tl) quitten not tl)e ([otnmunion of tbe ([l)urd; of Rome, no~ oppofen tl)e ,flttti)o~itp of tl)e iDope ; lmt becaufe I;t tuottln not let l)im put amap tl)c , ~tteen lJi~ 'tlmHfe , to m})arrp anotl)er. 2. ~I;at i~ing Edward tl)e si.rtlJ being pet a ([tiln, l)if.l <lllnde \1.11)0 goberttcn l)tm abttfin~ tl)e lRopal .au~ tl)o~itp, ml)icl) be tan in, l)i~ l)ann , enticl)enl)i~ fclf bp ~pp&op~iatin~ to l)imfclf ann l)i~ jfamilp tbe llann~ ann <1Boon~ of ttc ~Intrcl) . 3. .<([I) at .eDttccn Elizabeth not bein!J t!Je lamful ~etr of toe ([romn, couln not keep tl)e nntuft ~otretiion ml)rcl) ffJe l)an talten but bp rcnouncin~ t~e true <ll:l)ttrct,. ' · llecattfe t.te ~uritp .ani:l iaertitune of l)er EDolttine · ma~ not confiftcnt \nitb t1Je mlfutpation of tte j!Hngl:JOm of Great Br~tain. I