Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

' A Declaration of the Dutchefs of York, trail~ lated out of Maimbourg's /Hifl oiie du Cal– vinifme. ('3y ~erfon <ftmcate'O in tl)c ([l)ttrct of Engbnd; . ~ ann a~ mttclJ inftttHtcn in l)et liDortrine (ar"' co~ning to tl)e f!Dpinion of t~e moft able ·iJ.Dt"' binef) of I;er tDartp) af) tcr ([onbition ann ([apacttr cottlD anmtt , ottgl)t to e,rpclt to be toe !IDbjnt of publick ccnfRtc!l ml;cn fiJe ..: quttg I;cr llteligion to tmb~acc tl;at of tl)e ([l)utclJ of Rome. Xinn a~ 3l freelp conftf% tl)at 31 l)abe been one of l)ct gteatd[ Cfttemie%, if not in cffelt at lcaft in mill !I 31 ~aut tbottgl;t it rcafonable!l tl;at fo~ .tl)e fati~fartton of inp jfricnM!I 31 fiJottltJ neclarc tl)e ~otibe~ann 1Rei::: fott~ of mp ([onberfion, all'O of tl)e fo ftttli:lain antt une,rpcrten cl)ange of mp lReltgion !I pet ·mitl)ottt' engaging mp fdf in tl)e mucftion~ ann ,$Objection~ ml)icl) migl)t be mane on tl)i~ .®ccafi~m. l tB~otcfi: in tl)e p~efcnce cf £ilmigntp <1Don, tl)at fillce mp r_ctttrn into England, no F~crfon \!ll)atfo:: :tber, l)atl) :Oitcctlp o~ innirectlp !I pcrf\uanen mew imb~ace tl)e ([attolick lReligton·: 3lt i~ a fa::: bout \nl)icl) 31 ome to ·tl)e alon~ ~ercp of dBoi:J ~ 31nare not ebcn tl)ink tl)at tl)e ~1aper15 ml)iclJ l l)abe mane l)im '-tbcrr ncrr fincc mr return front France ann Flanders!) to beg of l)im to tlffcobn to me tl)c ~rutl) l)abe obtainen fo~ me. , :Jt f~ bcrp true , tl)at l)ahin£t feen tl)c jfnbottt anp tt eno·euoti~n of tl)c ([at~oltck~ of tlwfe ([oun-. tne~, ann feeltt1~ tl)at 3l l)a'o none of it, Oi uerp · little!) ll)abe ncbet ccafci:l fince tl)at time to a~k· of <lBotJ tl)e ®~re !I tl)at if 'l 'onre not Cf t~e true :u\cl igion, 31 mig~t be fo tefo~e 3! 'Oieb, · . · G ~· · eb£ti / ,, / I ' ... • ' .