Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 87 ] .. I the Second's Pocket, and the TelHm6aies that he diea aPapifi, nor what was wirneifed of his En- .gagement for them. z. I knew not of what King 'James the Second would after be and do. 3· I knew not ofArchbi{hop BYamhall's Letter, Printed by ·Dr. Parre in Archbifhop Vjher's Life~ corrfi– dently affuring Arcbbifhop Vjher, that on his cer.... tain Information , the Papifis in 1647. got into Cromweli's Army, and confederated with the Pa– pifis at Oxford in the King's Army to have the King put to Death : And whether they fent beyond Sea for Approbation, and obtained it. . Chap. V. _The fo reign Leaders of the Englifh {onciliaters , who are for introducing. a fo– reign Jurifai[fion. . §. 1. THe horrid Con wns in the Roman Church by two and three Popes at once (fome Kingdoms deaving to one, and fome to another) conHrained· the Emperor and divers Princes to call .a Council called General, for re– medy. - The Popes being by this Council con– demned·and depofed , it could not be expeded that they {bould approve them and confent: fo that the Council was neceflitated (though crofs to late Cufiom) to declare their Power to be above the Popes, fo far as to judge and. depofe him if he deferve it : This way went the Councils of Pifa, Conjfance, and Bafll . . But the Pope's Up– holders ftia fiuck to him, and faid, Parliaments may as well depofe Kings. The Body cannot cut pff the Head. And Eugenim 4th', though conG 4 demned