Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

/ [ 88 ] demned by the Council and depofed as aHere~ tick, Siinonifi ,, Blafphemer, &c. kept Pofieffion, and their Church fucceedeth him to this day. §. 2. This opinion for the Church Diffufive re· prefemed in a Council being above the Pope, was kept alive in Bohemia, France' and other Countries., and in Luther's time did much further his Refor– ination; by encouraging Princes and People ' to difobey the Pope. And L11ther at the firfr feemed ro go but littlefurthet: : But ~fcerw~rd quit~ cafi off the Pope, and deqted all hts Cla1m of umver– fal or foreigp Jurifdict:ion. §. 3; Son1e that joyned with Luther in refor- ~ ,ming many Abufes , thought that ·the whole' vVorld Cor Church) muft have one Humane Head or Governor in Religion, and that we muft nqt feparate from fubje&ion to the Pope , but only keep him to govern by Church Canons, and not Arbitratily, as being mg,ulis major, but ·univerfis , minor. And fo the troverfie came to be the fame as between Monarchs that will be above Law , and thofe that are limited by the Laws. The Italians and fome others are for the firfi ; buc the French and fome others are only for his limit– ed Power. Of thefe in Luth£;r's time were Eraf– muJ, Julius Pflug., Sidonim, Agricola, the Authors ' of the Interim, and Wicelius, Cafj'and£;r, ilaffmei– {fer , and after Fr. Baldwin, and divers orhers. And in FrP~nce fome excel~nt La\Jt'yers, yet n~ore moderatc:,as the Chancellor Mich. Hofpitalius,Thu- • rmm, and a great Party with them. · , §. 4· Joh. Ger{on Chancellor, and a Member of fhe Council of Co,nftance before thefe , , was fo p1oderate (tl ough he was for burning Hus and fjtrome of Prague) that in the great Point of tffih~ . fu ~