Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• [ 90 ] c ftro[n& ? ubi 'ccelum deorfum, hoc eff , id quod fpiri– ' tuale e{t, ef' ,terra fmjum, fpiritm ferviens & caro ' dominans : Principale accejf~rium , & accejforium 'principale; ufq; ad hoc ut quidam delirare non dubi– ' tent quod per inventiones humatzas itiam meliut,t]uam · 'per legem divinam& Evangelicam regeretur: .§2..uafi 'minus fit anima quam Corpus , & jpiritualis quam ''carnalis jfultm: _Httc ajfertio per mePlm fidem blaf– 'phema eft ; nedum falfa. Evar:gelica quippe doEtrina 'per fuos profejforeJ dilatavit ufq; in C£E– ' lum, quam filii Agur exquirentes fapientiam qu.e de 't~rra eft detruferunt ufq; in ccenum: Et quod ex toto ' non eft ex gratia Dei & falvatoris noflri. 'Ht£c ego .loquor eo liberius ·tfuia mjhi Confcius fum, 'non ex qut£jlu, non ambitu, non ad laudem propriam ' mete profeffionis, fed pro ajfertione veritatis'• & utili- · 'tate pt-eblica dicere. 0 happy England , if Protefiants had been as much in this againfi: Popery and Error. §. 5. And hette the Roman Deceivers and fome {leaceable Men of them, have joyned to draw us to them on Pretences of Peace and Reconcilia– tion. Some honefl: peaceable Men have been defiroyed by the reil: for their t\1oderation. The Learnedit Moderator that· we have had , was M. Ant. de dominis Archbiil1Dp of Spalata, \V hofe Books de Republ. Ecclef. are full of both Learning and Judgment, and fo moderate that I cannot call him a Papifl:: Though ·being enticed to Rome again by flattery, he periilied by their Cruelty. What Leander was,. I amnot fully acquainted. Fr. de Sanfla Clara alias Davenport , was a real Papifl:, and deGgned on the pretence of Reconci- – liation to draw us over'to them ; And bath a)eW– ed more acquaintance with Scotm and other School- \ .