Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• ( II8 J pr a m~jor part, that wrote thefe Legiflative and ' Judi~ial Letters ? What firange things qn {orne Men gather from rneer Communion and Con– f:Ord? Biihops had then aNeceffi ty of getting the fomrnon g>nfent of as many of their Orcier as ~hey could, to make their Governm~nt of force to the People, that were all Volunteers, and not ~orifirain~d by any Magifirate ?And it's ufeful fiill to the fame end. 4· And we grant them that every Biihop and :Presbyter, that giveth counfel to other Churches 9od~ not 9o it as a ·rneefprivate Man, but as ~ Bifhop: that is, One th~t byOffice is authori?ed ro give ·fuch Pafioral a·dvice to fuch as he is· ~all~d ~o giye it to; But not as one ~hat bath ~he ~barge of Governing other Mens Flocks, or is ~ Member 9f an Ari!locratical, Suprea~ Senate,. Parliament, Court , or Voring States. SupBofe each Hof_Pital have its allowed Phy{ician , who in 'doubtful Cafes confulceth wi th many others ; tfhejr counfel is the counfel of Phylitians ; that ~s, of Men licenfed for that Work and Care : Bu~ it.proveth them .not to have any proper Go– .v.e~n~ng Power over hisHo(pical or Paciems. .· 5.. ·If every Bifhop be a Governor not only in,. but of the whole World or Church , it is eithe~; Singly, or Collectively as part of aGQverning Com– pany~ Iffingly, it's a monfirous Body tQat hath; fa. ·· ·tiJany thoufand UniverCal .Heads. If colle– ?t~yely, the.n no one is a Supream GQvernor, but ?part of that Body·which is fu~h. AJ;ld no .one. on Eanh can act ·as {uch a part of One Anfio– frac¥; 'wi~hout · prc(ence,·with the refi , hearing wh~~ they {ay., ·~ncf what ··AStors and Witneffes; fay, and gath~~~ngVotes. · •·' ,: ··. ~" - ,:,;·"' ~ · , l(ag.4~ ~·: