Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ J 19 ]. Pag. 4II· 'He confeffeth out of Socrates about c the Emperors rower in Church Matters, that , ' [from the time in which Emperon ·received the Faith, ' Eccleji_tt negotia ex eorum . nutJt pendere vifa flmt 'Socr.l. 5· Proem. , And if fo, why is lvfr. Morice angry 'INith me for faying, That Bilhops u{ed in Councils much to follow the Emperors minds. 2. And then it will be but an odd Univerfal Legi{Iative and Ju– dicial Soveraign Power over all the World, which ,dependeth on the confent of fo many Princes, Pro– teftants, Papifis, I\1ahometans, Heathens, Jaco– bites, Nefiorians, &c. as a General Council mufi: be called by or depend on. And it will be an end– lefs Controverfie, what Princes have or have not a Power to confent or ditfent, that their SubjeCts iball go to fuch Councils. But alfo Confultation, is not Government. · / ' Chap. XI. The Judgment of Mr. Herbert Thorndike, a late Eminent 'Divine of the Church o/England. § r. MR. Thorndik§ hath written fo much on , · this Subject: that I need no more than · refer the Reader to his Books, for the difcovery of his mind: The fum of his late Writings ( thefe thirty years pail ) is to call us all into one vifible Catholick Church which is unified by - one Hu– mane Government of all, out of which nothing will excufe us from Schifm~ or make our failing tolerable. His arguments for an Univerfal Ari.. fiocracy anfwered by Dr. Iz..aak._Barro1v in the end 1 4 of I • I • \