Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

( 12G ] ofhisTreatife ofSupremacy, I will not here re~ dre, becaufe they are there fofully and leqrnedly confuted. . . · § 2. In hjs [ Ju.ft Weights and Meafures] he fells us that the Church o£ Rome being a true Church, Reformation ly- (a) Confu~on. r. The eth in Refioration, and form denommatet~ : The not in Separation (a) Church of Rome whtch we · , • feparate frqm is a pretended Soveraignty over all Chriftians. This is no true Church of thrift:. :z.. But we fepar4te not from them in point of Chriftianity. But 'r. From their Ufur– cpation. :z.. And other Sins. Page 5'. he faith, [ ' Who will take upon him 'to lhew .us that the Worfhip of the Hoft ~n the 'f>apifis is ldqlatry., , , ·Page 6, 7·· 'They that feparate from the Church ~ of Rome as Idolatelts are thereby S~hifrn~tic}{s be– ~ fore God. . · • ' For in plain terms we make our felves Schif– . ~ maricks by grounding our Reformation on this 5pretence. . 'Should this Church declare that the Change ~ whi~h we call Reformation is grounded ori this . ~ fuppofition, l mull: then acknowledge that we ~are Schifinaticks. ·. Ch. · 2. 'Is to .difprove therri that make the. ~Pope A~tic;hrift, and Papifis Idolaters, and thew "' · 4 tba~ the f~ppofition of ()he Catholick Vifible. ' Church, is the ground of all Communion and ~ fuppofed to Reformation. And Ch. ~. Nothing. ~ tQ. be changed but onth~tGround of fuch Vilible ~Unity. '· , · · ~eh. · 5. 'Ifour Lord trufi his Difciples and their ~ Su.cceffOrs with ·i ·e Rule of his Ch'urch , he 5trufieih them ·alfo to make Laws for the Ruling •• • ••• ' • < . • . • , . , • • ~ o(