Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 127 ] Church ? Did it ceafe at 'Charles the Great's time? and yet are all damned that are not fubjct't to it ? z. How ihall we be fure that the Canons bind us till Adrian's time, and not fince? 3· But Sir, we take him for a Papift that is for all the Canons and Cuftoms 'till Chtrles the Great: .And t~ere are Qlany things .before that which we. cannot Conform towith- ,out renouncmg the Laws andfu~~ent Government ofChrift, which we cannot do upon fuch p1t1ful reafonings as yours. In Mr. Thorndi~'s large folio Book, there ·is yet . much more for his Univerfal Legiflative Arifio- . cracy mixt with Regular Papacy. The fum of all . is, The Pope Governing at leafi in the vVeft by the Canons in the intervals of General Councils (that is, alwaies,) and as the chiefMember with Councils making Laws for all the World. Thus the French and ltdlian Papifis differ whether the Pope ihall Govern the World as the King .of !a– land doth his Land ; or, fay fome, as the Duke of Venice, or rather as the King of France. But Pro· tefiant~ know no fuch thing as an Univerfal Le· giflative Church, nor owns any Univerfal Laws but Gods; unlefs ypu mean Nationally Vniverfal, as in the Empire Councils anti Laws were called. I refer you again to Dr. Barrows Confutation of the refi of Mr. Thorndikes. · Chap. XII. The Judgme;;t ofVr. Sparrow Bi– jhop of Norwich, and di11ers others. ' Biq1op Sparrow Pref. to ColleCt. [ As my F :t-· ther femme, fo fend I you. Here ~omm1t· 1 ' ring the Government of the Church to his Apo· .' files, our Lord Commiffions them with the fame ' Power .. _ ..