Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

' . [ IiS J 'Power that was committed to him, for that pur~ 'pofe when he was on Earth; with the fame ne· ' ceffary fianding Power that he' had exercifed as · ,. "Man for the good of the (a) TheftanamgPo~er 'Church. (a) Lefs cannot of the Head or Soveratgn, , • r. · · . and that of Official Mini- . . m rea1011 be thought to fters much difter. ' be granted, than all Pow- . ' er neceifary for the \veil 'and peaceable Government of the Church. 'And fucb a power is this of Making Laws. (b) 11 £r. ' ( b l This is aCommiffion · A neceuary power c . 1 l r. k' fince Ghri[t by his Apoftles m genera 10! ma .mg publi.fhed his Univerfal 'Laws: Then m partlCU– Laws_, is b~t that all Mini:- . ' lar ·for makiQg Articles • fters m tJ1elf feveral Chur- ' ·and Decifions of Do– c~es ~wde the Fl<?~ks by 'Ctrines controverted ,the tne[e Laws of Chnit, and , . . • teach them the people, and power IS more_ expltcHe d~termine of incidental . ·' and exprefs, M at. 2.8 . .All Cn·cumftances pro loco & 'power is given me: Go there.:. tempore_;. :nd not to make 'fore and teach all J.Vations, newUrllV~.rfal Laws. , h · . . h h . d . t at ts, Wit aut onty an 'by virtue of the power given me. And what is ' it r_o teach the Truth with authority, but to com... ' mand and oblige all people to receive the Truth ' fo taught ? (c) And this, (c) Chrifc exprefly li· ' · ' - miteth the Apoitles to po;wer' was not g1ven . to teach the Churches what ' the .Apofi:les perfons on· he had commanded them; 'ly ; for Chrifl: then pro· and promifethtogivethem 'mifed to be with them the Spirit eo bring all to ' in that Office to the end theit· remembrance, and 1 lead them to all Truth. ' of the \¥or d ; that is, · · ' to them and their Sue- . ' ceifors in the Pafi:oral Office: ·To the Apofiles, or Bit11ops that lhould fucc~ed them to the end of the