Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

(129.] '"the World. (d) To this. (d)Whenthekingfel."'cJs , One holy Church our our Judges and Jufnces he , • . • 11 doth not make rnem Kmgs Lord comm1tced. m truu. or legiflators. , The Apoi ' the moll holy Fa1th, &c. ftles ha~ the 'pirir · ' commanding under pemulgattng and recording , nalties and cenfures aiJ ~hnfrs Laws :Others have , , . · .. . It _only 50 preferve and her Chtldren to receive teach rhem, and rule by ' that fence, and to prothem, and hot to i:nake ' fefs it in fuch expreffive ~ore ~uch, as if tHey ~\,ere ' words and fol'Il)S as may .mf~~ctent~ and. _Clmfban , · 1 · h Rehg10n were 11tH to be direCt y determme t e changed By newadditions 'doubt. Thus ilie did in and were half Divine and 'the great Nicene Counhalf Hum~ne : G~ds Word - ' cil- This authority in and_rhe Blihops mmedley. ' determining Doubt~ and c G__ontroverGes theChurch ' hath pratti[ed in ALL 'AGES, and hercon!tant ' praCtice is the befi Inter– ' preter of her right. - (e) (e) The thre~ firfc Ages ha~no General <:ouncilsf The three !l:!Xt had Nario-· nal or Imperial · Genera! Councils. The thoufand years lafi: paft ( which you include in [All Ages] had fuch Councils and pra~ices Js p~ove not her right. Elfe why do not you now prachfe accordmgly ? ...:... Bifhop Guninuown– eth but fix 'General Councils, which were all but in· th~ee A– ges. And others but four, and none that I know of but eight, who do not otnly profefs Popery. Hath Chrift given ny new commands fince·thoie which he fent the Apoftles to eliver ? Have you any more of his com– mand.s to give us than the Apofrles deliv~red ih their tirhes ? Ifyou may make new 'ones, you have m<h:e than Apoftolick power, which was to teach whatever Chrift commanded them. He is with them to the end of t he World . r. In bleffing the Word delivered and recorded by_ them. 2 . In bleffing thofe that teach it. But not thofe that add to it the tupplement of their own Univerf?l Laws. " And which is the'Chun;h that in all Ages ( thtf;! thotifand y_ears) have had this pqwer' ? Three parts of the Chrifi:ian ,World fay, It is not the Roman. The ~ Roman Chur~h far; · · Ji ·Ia • •