Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

( I j) J ., I anfwer, I. That was not by Legiflation, but Execution. 2. They never Ruled the Univerfal Church as one Soveraign Po.ver by the old Laws, ·but only per partes in their feveral Provin,es, as Jufiices.and Mayors Rule the Kingdom, without Sover9ignty. . · Arg. 3· That~ which never ·was claimed till the Papal Ufurpation, was not infiitured by God : But a Soveraign Government of the Univerfal Church on Earth was never claimed till the Papal Ufurpation : Ergo. . 1 That Councils were only General as to one Em- . ' pire, a_[ld called only in one Empire, and pretend– , ed to Govern tqat Ernpire,and not all the World, , I have fully proved againfi 1ohnfon. Arg. 4· Thofe that mull: Rule all the ChrilHan World, mull: teach them. (For the Pafioral Go– vernment is by the Word. ) But ·no one ( Per– fan or Arifi:ocracy) are the Teachers of all the World.· vVho have pretended to it but the Papacy? . . Arg. 5. If any Soveraign may Rule Eng!,md and all other Churches as i- Biibop ru1eth his Flock, then that Soveraign Power, may when they judge it deferved Excommunicate the King and all ·the Kingdom, 2.1-1d filence all the Biiliops and Mini– fiers, and forbid all Church Comrnunion (asPopes and their Councils have done.) But the confequence is faJ[e-Ery_o- ' Arg. 6. Ifany have fuch power, they mull: be fuch as people ITIZiY h~ve qCcefs to, t.o decide their Caufes , and may hear their Aq:ufations , De– fences, :Wicneffes : But fo cannot the Univ erl~ll Churchof Bifhops : They confefs thefe tboufand years they met not in Council; and whither ·elfe ' - K 4 ihould ) '. (' •