Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

•· [ r~6] . fhould we·prry our Witneifes? and where elfe · ihould we e_xpeet their fentence ? Paul's charge, I Thef. 5· 12,13· Knorvthe.m that labour amon11 )IOU, an.d are over y@u in the Lord, and admonifh y'o:, ·~ (lnd efteem them very highly in Love · for their wor~ fak§- But wecanno~ know all the Biiliops over d~ Earth, that neverwere among us. · · 4n unknown Judge cannot be obeyed : That is, One whom we cannot know to be indeed our Judge: . But it's impoffible for us n0w to know '\vhat number ofBifhops, and who, mull: be·cal– kd the.Univerfal Judge. · And an unknown femence cannot be obeyed; but it'simpofJible for us to know the fentence of the l\1ajority of the. Biiliops on Earth, about any pife to be judged by them thefe thoufand years. But enough is faid of £his already: And Dr. · ~arrow hath utterly confounded your pleas for foreign JurifdicHon. Pafiors and Churches may Reprove one another, who Govern not one another. · - And· do you think i\·e are fo fottifh as not to , fee, that your Colledge and Council mull: have fome . to call them togetber, or to gather Vores, and prefid~, and approve ? And.that the qqefri.;. on will be only of the Degree of the Popes power, · and whether the French fort of Popery be beft ? 1 § 2, Dr. 8. addeth, p. 343· ['So the Scripture 'pla!nly tells us etfewhere that Churches of Kingdoms ~ findN ations ha'OC a Soveraignty over them, to which 'they rlmj'i- yield Qbedience, lfa. 6o I 2. 1vhere the ' Prophet fpeakjngof th~Ch'J(i}tian C};urch fqith~ The ' Na't!on and Kingdom that wilt not ferve the~ jba/l f perijh, yea t hofe Nation.s [hall be utterly wafted. ~ If. t ~\7ations {md Kingdoms muft {erve t~e Chttrch, the~ . . , . . 'Jhe •