Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• ·I ( I ~8] Mabometan~,and yet profper:Ever linceAbraham's· days till now the Church is a fmall part of the World. And it is not by any Power of the Church Governours that the Souls of Infidels perifo, but by themfelv~s. And their Kingdoms are unlikely to be deftroyed till Chriffs ftcond . coming. And if it be his defiroying them at his Judgment that is meant, that proveth. no Power in the Church againfi them. - But I confefs ·you tell us what to fear : and whence it is that the French .Prot(;flants fuffer. Thev mufi utterly perifh that obey not a Govern· ing UniverfaL Soveraignty? Nay, not only French SubjeCts by their Lawful King , but Protefiants States and Kingdoms that thought they had no Soveraign but their own proper one and Chrifi But this is in Ordine ad Spiritualia. . Yet, 0 you' intend no Cruelty. . . _ §. 3· Pag 3'44· He tells us. of the Chttrches Power to decide Controverjies, and of the Cotm~il, Act. 15. • An[w. A multitude ofProte!Hmt Writers have longagoanfwered allchis. 1. T.heword [church] is ambiguous. When Chrift and his twelve Apo– files were on Earth~ they were theChurch (as to Rule.) And then the Vniver[at Church met in a ' Houfe together, celebrated the Sacrament toge– ther,&c. Mufi they do fo nmv? It was no General Co~tncil that met, Att. I 5. unlefs you will fay that there dwelt .a General Council at )erufalem as long·as the Apoflles dwelt there, None of the Bjfl1ops of the Churches planted by Paul, Barna~ btU and others about the World are fa id to be 'rhere, nor any at all but the Inhabitants. of ]eru- .[a!em, fave Paul and ·BarnabM who were-fentas - ?Vfeffengers,