Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ I 37 J 'foe h~tth Authority to Command th~ir Obedience in ' things that belong to Peace and Hohnefi ] · An[. ·I confefs Campanella de Re~;no Dei doth thus make' the Papacy the Fifth Monarchy, and confidently brings many fuch Text5 for their Cler- ~ - gies Univerfal power. But, I. Is it the King of the Church or the People that mufi be obeyed ? The people have no Ruling Power. And if it be the Soveraign the quefiion is, rVho that u ? Pro– teftants fay, It is only Chrift: A'nd the Text plainly meaneth, [ The Nation that wilt .not {erve r;:hrift the Head ofthe Church for the good of his Body, fhall per.ifh.] ·But the Italians fay, It·is the Pope and . Council, . and the French, That it is the Council and Pope (as Ptelident and Prime Patriarch) that ' . · is here meant. · 2. This may be difcerned by confidering, Who it is' that is to deftroy fuch Nations: It is Chrift as the fecond Pfalm {hewetl~ ; If it \l/ere the Pope ' and Council you threaten all Nations as terribly as · Bellarmine cloth. 3. And whaCis the perijhing and wafting here meant? No doubt, their Souls that rebel againfi Chrifi iliall perifh,. and he will alfo punifh.Bodies and Kingdoms asJuch. But cloth any of all this belong to the Bifhops? None pf ir. r. Excom· municating is their dellroying work : But the Heathen and Infidel Nations are not to be Excom– municated ? What have you to do to judge them that are,without? Will you call: them out that never were in? 'l. And defiruction by the Sword is no Biiliop'sWork. 4. And when/ is it that all Nations that obey not ll1all Utterly perifh? W'e fee that I 9 pares in 30, faith Brierroood, of the World are Heathens and Maho~tans, /