Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• To the Reader~ J heard of ·a · Preacher that would t~eeds hiS '$ervant .tell hinJ .what ·. M~n faid of His Preaching : And being ' urged (but.loth) .be Jaicl, They fay; Sir, that ·you very often repeat the fame things ; And· to tell you the truth, I think it is too true : For the \ lafi Dayyou repeate~ that wh~cb fou ., - · had faiq ·divers Dax~ before : . Saith· h~ Majir:t , ~Tell me\vha~ it was? He Paufed awhile, and[aid, I rem~mh>er not the words now ; Saith h'is Majler, ·. Didft thou fo underftand them as to . tell ·me the Matt~r. and tneaning of ·them,? But he could tell n~ither 1 Nay then, faitb his Mafter,. I .will .r_epeac , ·then1 yet agairl' for ~hy fak~> andfuch as thou art : Till theyare underftood and remernbred I have not 'faid them ~ oft _enough: God b'-~ 7ltercifitl to us Sinners.; - ·.;: I ' I I • .. ,