Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

., . tHl!: ·CONTEN-TS '. · Of the Firft Part. . . ~NHift()rical Preface~ ·' . Cl'\ap. J. The Protef!ant Church ?f England . u againfl all Hu"? V~tver{At Sovera~gnty,, M a. narchical and Ariftocrattc'.tl, and agamft all F(freignJurifdiClion. . Chap. II. Thu whole Kingdom and Church u [worn ' agt~inft all Foreign 1urifdiClion, an.d againft all En– aeavours to alter theGovernment ; llndmuft not be Perjured. Chap. III. What Ende~tvours were u[ed by Pap:iffs to /wing England under a Foreign JurifdiEtion in . King lames's time. . The .Bijhop of Ambrun llnd others wrong him. · · ~bap. IV. Of the Papifts Endeavours inK. Cnarles · time, and tke great Injury they did him·efp'ecially the lrijh• •Maimburgh Declarlltion of the Durcheft of York. . . · Chap. V, The Foreiiln Leade,rsof the Englifh Conci– liators who arefor a Foreign 'Jurifditliot~. Gerfon for ~he. fofficiency of Chrift's Law to rule the Church. ~hap. VI. Grotius' s Judgment in hi; own words. Chap..VII. Thefeverat forts of Peace· maksr; abostt 1'opijhComroverfie.;~ . €ha' ''fiT·