Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ I)4 ] maticks, but hold Faith, Unity and Peace: -And are the other two more neceffary thanall rhe refi? You fay, Theyholdthe two.firft. Anfw. They hold not the Infallibility of Councils , nor that they may not be rejeCted when they erre, nor that we may not be difcerning Judges when they erre: For all this is renounced in their renouncing all fave two or three. 4. You fay, They reject not the Rulet ofChriftian Vpity. .A11[w. Therefore they judged not the Decrees of Councils to be that necelfary Rule : Eife the DecreeS' of thofe renounced by them would be as neceffary as the relt. 5. It's apparent by this that they held the fame with thofe Councils, not becaufe of the Authority ofthofe Councils, but on other Grounds : For it , , is not poffible that they who renounced the Coun– cils, iliould believe the Chrifiian Faith, on their Aurhority.• They believed it as aDivine Revela– tion fide Divina, and fo do we: 6. And dare you fay that a Man that believeth the fame things becaufe they are revealed byGod in his Word, {hall be damned unlefs he believe them fide hu.mana , becaufe a General Council de– creed them. • 7· Did your other Councils add any Decrees to the firfi? Ifnot, what need of believing any thing · as theirs ? If yea, then receiving the Decrees of the two firfl: is not a receiving the Decrees of th~ later. 8. And on whofe Authority did Chrilfians be– lieve-the firfl: 300 years before there·was any .Ge.. neral Council ? §. 8. D ·. S. P. 346. [" Obj. Did the Catholic/z. ~~ Lhurch die or cea/e after the fixth General Co1tncil ? '' Anfw. . . I