Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ ! )) ] '' Anfw~ The ~Effence of the Catholic~ Church doth ''not confift in the being of a Council.-·Their meeting "i; but an external meam for better declaring theCa– " tholidz.Faith ~ and holding mutu~tl CorrefPondence "between the feveral Churches. · · An[. 1. Still you are confirained to defiroy your own Cau(e. You confefs th~n that Councils are no confiitutive Governing part ofthe Church as aGo– verned Society. And iffo,it haeh fome other Hu– mane confiitutive Regent part, or none. Ifnonr~ we are fo far agreed : This is it that we contend for. Ifany other, you mull: come to your Lords College of the diffufed Pafiors ; who never made , Law, never hearda Caufe, or judged out ofCoun– cil, to this day, nor poffibly can do. 2. What is this that you call an extertJal means of Correfpondence t Is it a necejfary Supream Legijl'a– tive and Judicial Power.? or not? If it be, it mufi be a confiitutive Effential part of the Church as Political. For every Politick Society is informed by fuch. And you argued before that Nations mufi be under fuch as well asDiocefes under Dio– cefans. Ifnot, habetur IJU£fitum•. 3· And becaufe your former words affert an Vniverfal Soveraignty, I wonder how any of com– mon reafon can think this neceifary to the whole ChrifiianWorld, during the few Years that thofe two or fix firfi Councils fate,and never before' nor after? Are dead Ivien our Governors? VVill a Power of Governing never exercifed ferve for a Thoufand Years la!t, and 300 before, and not for the other 3oo ? Or hath the Church bad one Form of ~overnment for 2oo o:- 300 Years, and another for all theother 1300? And when you ~~11 us that Kingdoms rnuft be judged as well as fingle