Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ I 57 J own them, nor ever will be ! A thoufand Years . fure is time enough to prove the death ofaPower never fince exercifed : were there aSemine~l Vir– tue of Univerfal Regimtnt in the diffufed Church, a Thoufand Years Sle~p in -reafon rnufi pafs for aDeath. 6. Yea , the diffufive Church bath lince dif– owned the Univerfal Obligation of thofe fame Councils, and cloth difown them,to this day. For Jt is not near half the Chrifiian VVorld that own them ; yea, none but Papifis that I could ever be certified of do receive any fuch Councils at all, as Legiflators and Judges to all the Chrifiian World ; but only as Reverenced Rules ofConcord madeby Contract:.And if Conftantine,Theodojius,Martian,&c; called their Subjects to Councils I ooo ·Years ago, why is our King and Kingdom now any more fub– jeet to the SubjeCts of thofe ~mperors than to them? - But if you were content to endure us to unite ' in Chrifi,and take his Laws for our Rule and bond of Peace, and fiay till the next General Council,be againfi us, we defire no more. §. 9· P. 347· Mr. B. faith, ["It 4 a doleful thing "to thin~on what account all theft Men expeEf th.-zt "all Chriftians Confciences can be [atis{ied, &c.] D. S. anfwereth , [" It is a dolej1tl thing indeed to "think how they {ho1tld be fati~{ied ·that [et up a Pope "in every Congregatio?J; and foUow him in oppojitim "to the Catholick Church and General Councils.– " Mr. B. /z.nows he does this, and debtdcs the po~r '' People, &c. - Anfw. I. Ifl know it, rnethinks I lhould know that I know ir. Which ifI do, it's I that"am the Impud<:nt Liar : Ifnot-Somebody is miftaken. Qp. ) I'