Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 1)6 J ftngle Perfons, did thofe firfr Councils judgeall the finning Kingdoms Gnce. Ifyou own no Coum– ·cils fince the firfr Six, all ~ingdoms that have finned thefe Iooo Years had no fuch Judges. And · what Councils m· other Church Power fave the Popes, judged the .many Southern and Eafiern Countries that revolted ? Or the Wefrern Nations in their various Changes and Crimes ? Mqfi w~ have fuch an Uuniverfal Jqdge now, who never ~dged any thefe I coo Years. 4· Your Lord faith at lafi that they are Muta– ble Laws which Councils make. Iffo, why mull: we needs obey the rfix Councils that were rooo .Years ago, under anothet Prince? M;1y not Iooo Years time , and another King's Government: make a Change in the Matter and Reafon of the - Law? If you fay , it fiands till another G.eneral ' ' Council change it; .I anfwer, I. VVhac Council abrogated the 2oth Nicene Canon againft Kneeling on the Lord's Day in adoration? and many (u~h .other. 2. Th~n if ever there was a General Council i(s D~crees are immutable (and fo --you .contradict your felves) For it's certain ther~ never will be a General Council tq abrogate vvhat is done, ·till all the VVorld be under one-Chrifiian . : Monarch. , . - 5. The Laws of England bind us not 'now as the Laws of the Kings and Parliaments that are dead; that is, not by Virtue of their Authority (though made by them) But as the Laws of the prefent Legiflacive Powers who own them and rule by them, and can abrogate them when they ' will. And when the Canon-makers are dead zooo Y~arsago, where now is the Ruling Power whof~ Laws thofe are? There is no General Council t9 own