Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 167] ' gion: Heprofeifeth the contrary, an,d that Alfent to this is required as well as to the Catechifm. 2. 'He feeketh not their Evafion that make not the ·phrafe v~iver/al, but Indefinite : For he knew, 1. That in re necejfaria ( which he takes this to be) an Indefini~e is equal to an Univerfal : And , 2 . That a quatenm ad omne valet confequentia : And the of Infants qud,flapti~ed. 3· It is a certainty mentioned by Tautology that muft be by every Minifrer profeffed, [ It is certain by the Word of God that they are undoubtedly faved. ] Here we ask them two things~ or three. I. VVhether none ihould be a Minifrer of Chri'ft who cannot trudy profefs this ' undoubted Cer- • tainty. 2. VVhether alrnoft all the Learned Writers and Minifters of the Reformed Cherches iliould be Silenced that hold the contrary. 3.·But fpecially what be the words of God here meant which exprefs this undoubted certainty ? They confefs that God faith, Deut. 12. 32 . Thou ]halt not tJdd thereto, nor ta~e ought Jhere-from; and ccncludeth the Bible with, [ If any Man add to theft things, God jhall add to him the Plagues that are written in this Book.,:] We tell them we dare not venture on fuch a dreadful Curfe : This cannot be one of their things indifferent: Therefore before we profefs our A!fem th-at this is undoubtedly certain by . the Word of God, they will iliew us fo much com– paffion as eo tell ,us, where to find that Word of God ? And after alL our increaty ( even my own ro the Bif11op J. he giveth us by his Chaplain but thi$011~ Jext ofScripture, Gal. 3'· 27. Asmany of you M .liave be~n baptiied into Chrift, have put on Chrift.] Reader, is here one word of the cer– ·tain undoubted Salvation of dying baptiz.ed Infants without exception ? M 4 •. Her ,,, I