Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ I 6] ] ' I 1"~ Here is no mention of baptiz,ing Infants; and it's ufual with this fort of Men to fay, Th~t we caQnot prove Infant Baptifm by Scripture, put only by Tr~dition or the authority of the· (:hurch. . · · 2. This Text mofl: certainly fpeaketh of the 'Adult: And will not thefe Drs. believe St. Peter 'bimfelf who told Simon when he was Baptized, Thou haft no part nor lot in thu matter: For thy f;eart u not right in the fight ofGod ; Thou art yet in ihe gall of bittfrnefs and bond of iniquity ? If ~hey fay that Simon had been faved if he had di~d as ' foon as ·he was Baptized, and that he feH to that falfe Heart, and gall ofbitternefs after, who will fake fuch' Drs words iri defpight of the evident' truth? His Friend Grotim more .modefily ex– poundeth Gal. 3· 27. Sicut abapti(mo ve[tes fumim– xur, ita vos Promififtis vos induturos Chriftum, id eft • "l1iefuros fecundum Chrifti regulam. Do thefe Men believe that all Infidels and Hypocrites ihall be faved if they die as foon as they are Baptized ? Or do ~hey think that non~ fuch may be and .are, :Baptized? Th~very words before the Text are, · Te are all the Children ofGod by Faith in Ch~ifl Je– fu;: And Chrifi: faith, He that believeth a1Jd. is .Baptiz,edjhall be faved, and he that believeth not ]hall he damned. And yet they bring us no Text for their new Article of- Faith, but one which will ' ~s much prove,the Salvation of all dying baptiz,ed H ypocrites and V nbelievers, as of all dying Infants. As if none cdme tn without the Wedding Garment, or fuch were in 'afiate of Life. , .. I mufi profefs ·that l' cannot fee fhopld I fub– fc ribe this, how I could efcape the guilt ofHere· tle, being liable to the forefaid Curfe and r>Jagu~s • • • ·, • •• · · j • • · .. of / . ,·. · r I