Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 169 1 I . of adding to the Worg- of God, by -faying that Gods Word fpeaked1 this certain and undoubted . , Salvation Gf dying Baptized Infants as fuch with– out Exception. . Yet ifwe would all conform to ·all their Oaths, Covenants and Impol.Itions be– fides;' we mufi all be cafi out and forbid to preach the Gofpel, ifwe durfi not Affent to this one Ar– ticle. ·~ Such is the mercy of thefe.Men l And all is jufiified as for found DoCtrine, which \Ve are ignorant of,' and thefe Mafters are the Judges whom we mufi believe. Yet note that though when he got the Church of England to pafs this Article, he put not in the . leafi Exception, and th~' Canon forbids the re~ ' fuGng Baptifm to any Child that is'offered to it, _yet now he limits it to all Childrenferioujly offired by any' that have porter to educate them in that profef!ion. And as it is not the Parent that mufi be the Pro– mifer ; nor is fuffeted to be fo much as one ·of the Godfathers or Sureties for his ·Child, fo by this little limitation, what adreadful brand of perfidi– ous CovenantingWith' God, doth he fix on our common Englifh Baptifm? For fure it is not the co_nfident ta!k of fuch Writers that mahes any En– ghlh Man 1gnorant., I. That our Godfathers -commonly are not once defired by the Parents to Educate their Children 1 in that Profej]ion. 2. l~or ever give them the leafl: reafon ,to expect it. 3: Nor ever perform it~ 4· Nor have any power fo to Educate them, becaufe the Parents riever purpofed fo far to commit their Children t0 them, nor they themfelves never dream of any fuch power or undertaking ; except OJ1ly·ruch as adopt a Child, or take an Orphan or Grand- child as , tPeirpwq. I have lived almofi fixty fev~n years~ (now