Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

) . r 178 J few of them that are Presbyterians ; and Judge mofi of them to be Epifi:opal; Lawyers and Gen– tlemen indeed incline to place all the Government . , in the J\ing and Magifirates. 2. That in 1661. when we were Commiffioned to endeavour Con- . cord with you, not only thofe named in the Com– rnifiion, but all the Miniflers of London were in– vited by Mr. Calamy ,and.Dr.Reinolds, and Mr. Ajh . and Dr. Vvallu, &c. to come to us in Confultation, and -let us know their Sence : and many came. And I remember not one Man that dHfented from what we offered you firH, which was Archbifhop Vjh-er's Primitive Form , which took not down Archbi01ops, Bifhops, or a farthing of their E– fiates, or any of their Lordlhips or Parliamentary Power or Honour, (unlefs the Advice of their Presbyters, and the taking the Church Keys out of the hands of Lay Chancellors cafi: _you down.) j. That when rhe King's Declaration about Ec– clefiaHical Affairs 166o. granted yet much lefs . Power to Presbyters, and left ic almofi alone in the Rifhops, we did ndt onJy acquiefce in this, but all the London Minifiers were invited to meet to give the King our joyful Thanks for it : And of all that' tnet , I remember ·but two ( now both dead) who refufed to fubfcribe the Common Thankfgiving (which with many Hands is yet to ·be feen in·Print). And thofe two expreft their 'Thankfulnefs; but only faid [That becaufe fome things agreed not to their Judgments, they durfi: not fo fubfcribe, left it fignified Approbation; but .they · fhould thankfully accept that Frame, and peaceably fubmit to it.] , . , AU this being fo, I appeal (with fome fenfeof t:he Cafe of E,ngland) to your felf ;md' common "' · · reafon,.