Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

t 179 J reafon, whether it be juft and befeeming a' PAftor or Chrifiiao,or aMao to make the Nationbelieve, I. That we are Presbyterians, z. 'And againft Bi- . ihops) 3..And therefore t,hat we are Schifmaticks~ .4· And therefore .that we mufi be Imprifoned or Baniilied ~ as thofe that would defl:roy theChurch .and Land. Would aTurk own fuch dealing.with his Neighbour ? Is this the way of Peace? Will this bring us t'oConformity? Was it Anti~EpifcopalPresbyt,ery which the King'sDeclaration I'66d " determined of ? Nothing will Serv:e God, and . 1 the Churches Peace, but Ttuth and Honefty; or at leaf!: that which hath fome appearance of it., ·. · If. I find that altpoft all ·the Streogth of his Book as againfi Presbyterians (who ate his fana~ ticks) is his bare worr!, faying that they are Schif matick}, .and that they forfake the Judgment and Pr~Ctice of the Univerfal Church by' forfakiilg Epifcopacy. And will this convince me, who am certain, that I am for that Epifcopacy which /gnativu, Tertullian, Cyprian, &c. were for, and am .pafi doubt that the Epifcopacy which f am againfr ·is contrary to the PraCtice of the whole Church for zoo Years, and of all fave two Cities ( Alex.:. ·andrit.t and Rome) for a much longer time ·~ If I , prove this true (which I undertake) mu£t I then nke his turn, and delire the Baniiliment of the Con.ttary-miuded Biiliops, as dangerous Schif– ma.ticks for f.orfaking the ,Practice of ·the Church? · ' , III. I underfl:and not In 'his Platform of the· Rule which denorninatetb Diffenters Schifmaticks~ Pag. 353. what he -meanethby the very_ bighe.fl.- . ' .Powtri moft neceflary to ,be .undei'llood in rhe{e. N i worcls ·