Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

' I ., ( 181_] Peace, you will f~e what it is that I think unlaw· ful in the Impofitions ; And if you ·will read a new>fmall Book of your •old troubled Neighbom: Mr.Jo. Corbet, called, The Kingdom of God among Men; I have fo great an Opinion, that by it you will better underfiand us, and become more moderate and charitable towards us, that I will take your reading it for a very obliging Kind· nefs to Your Servant · J)ecember II. I 679• Ri. Baxter. Add.V. His terms ofCommunionarenot right; as I have proved. · . VI. He fpeaketh againfi Toleration fo gene– rally without difiinetion, as ifno one that dilfen- · ted but in a word were tolerable, which is into– leraole DoCtrine in a pretended Peace-maker. VII. He inferreth Toleration while he denieth it, in that he is againfi putting us to Death: How then will he hinder Toleration ? Mulcts will not do it, as you fee by the Law that impofeth 401.· aSermon :·For when Men devoted to the Sa~red Miniftry have no Money , they will Preach and Beg : Imprifonment muft be perpetual or uneffe– ctual : for when they come out they will Preach again. And it contradieteth himfelf; for it wiH kill many Students being mofily weak) as it kill'd ( by bringing mortal Sicknefs on thetn ) •tbofe Learned , Holy Peaceable ·and Excellent Men, Mr. 1of. Alien of Tadnton, Mr. Hughes of Plimouth., and fome have died in Prifon ~ _And he that kil– leth them by lmprifonment, killeth them, as well - N 3 · , as ·