Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 182 J ;ts he that burneth them or hangeth them: And , the Priforis will be fo full , as will .render the Caufersof it odious to ,many , and make ·fuch as St. Martin . was feparate from the Biiliops ; the fame I fay of Banifhmem. ' ' ' Dr~ · Saywell's Principles infer as followeth ; . I. Schifmaticks are not to be Tolerated. They that are for the fort of Diocefane Prelacy, which we difown are SchifmatiG:ks : Ergo--not to be iTolerated. . . The Major is Dr. S's. The Minor is· proved thus. · They that ~re againfi that Epifcopacy which the Primitive Univerfal Church wa~ for and ufed, are Schifmaticks : The ferefaid Diocefane Party are againft that Epifcopacy ·which the Primitive Univerfal Church was for and u[ed~Ergo they are Schifrnaticks. The Major is Dr. S's. The Minor is thus proved, I. They that are for the depoftng of the Bia1ops that ·were over every fingle Church that: .had one· Altar; and thofe that were over every City Church, and infiead of them fetting up only one :{3ifhop over aDiocefs which hath a Thoufand, or many Hundred Altars,and many Cities}are againft the Epifcopacy ·which the Primitive Univerfal Church was for : But fuch are the Diocefane Party ·now mention~d-Ergo-The Major is proved, not only from Ignatius who maketh one Alttlr and one Biiliop with his Presbyters and Dea.. cons~ _the note ofindividuation to evcrry Church, , but a multitude of other proofs which I under.– take to give: And from the ,Cmmcils that deter– mined that every City ofChrifiians have aChurch ~~ill afc~rwarg they be~~~ to ·~~<;e~~ fmall Ci~h~