Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

'. [ zo ] . • I ' . J1 • p. 28. and p. 23. alfo the Bilhops of Winchefler-; Carlile, Exceter. Which patience of hers men.. tioned put Sir s. D. the Hifi:orian on the recital of fo large aCatalogue of Records for the Kings Power againfi: rhe Pope and Ufurping Bii11ops as is worth the reading, page 24; § 5. Alfo for many years the Papills came to our Temples, till the Pope forbad therh : But the Parliament men much <iiffered about this : Some . would have all men forced to the Sacrament : Others would have them forced to hear fome al– lowed Teachers, but not to be compelled eo the · Sacrarrient, becaufe it is the invefiing of men in tbe Pardon of fin and right to· Salvation, which no unwilling Perfon is capable of. Of this fee in the 'forefaid Author, p. 177· the Excellent Speech ofMr. Af!lionke, and ofothers. I memion this becaufe the late Reconcilers have made the mixture of Papifis and Protefiants in Communion the firfi ten years of the Qgeen to be the defireable fiate to which they would have . had us reduced. Of whichmor·e anon. But the Qyeen here~alfo refirained them, and would have alllefc to her and the Bifhops. Mr. Yelverton told them how perillou5 aPreli– dent it might prove for worfer times for the Par– liament to be fo refl:rained ; Where ( faithhe ) the-re riJtU fuch fulne[J of Power, ao even the right.of the Crown wa& to b'e determined, and by warrant whereof we had fo refolved, that to fay the Parliament had no Power to determine of the Crown w.u High Treafon. ·Ibid. page I 76. · · § 6. The Invalion 1588, and many Treafons, and the Popes Excommunications, increafed the Parliaments Z~al againfi Popery 1 and the . Ci~rgtes