Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

( ZI J gies alfo: And when the Cafe of the Qleen of Scots was referred to the Council of the Parlia– 'ment, they earnefily urged the Queen by many Reafons, to execute the Sentence ofDeath which was pafi upon her ; feeing while the Papifis hoped for her Reign, neither the Life of the Queen nor :the Kingdom could be fafe. See Sirs. D' Ewes, page 400, &c. Thefe were their apprehenfions . then of Po- _.pery. . § 7· In K. ']ames's time the horrid Powder .·Plot to have blown up King and Parliament, and · the Murder ofTwo Kings in France fucceffively, , H. 3· and H. 4· and other Inhumanities, in– creafed this Kingdoms Zeal ~ainfl: Popery. As the Oaths ofAllegiance and Suprema·cy were made for their difcovery, fo multitudes of Learned Men were employed in confuting their pretended · Sovereignty and manifold Errors. And the coni· mon Preachers ,had ovdinarily in their Sermons One Vfe, .. as they.called it, for the Conf.utationofthe Papijfs. Befides,that the Homilies and <Jewels wri– tings againfi them were to be in every Church. And as many of the Bifhop~ in Qyeen Eli~abeth's firfr time were fuch as had been Exiles and ·Suf– fered by the Papifis, fo many both in her days and K. 'James's, were Learned and Godly Men, who remembred former times, and were greatly defirous.of the Extirpation of Popery, and of the increafe of able Preachers, and of the Concord of Proteltants to chat End. And the Books of Mar.:. tyrs written by }-ohn Fox being common in all parts of the Land, increafed .the peoples hatred of Religious cruelcy. But fome few Bifhops ( fpeci– ~11y A. Bi~pWhitgltij't and Bantroft ) exceed<id · C 3 the •